Abortions are Magical?

The Democrat’s mystical death cult meets “The Party of Science™.”  Ignore biology (science) in pursuit of fantasy. That interfering with the development of a child is not murder. It is not Eugenics. It is a magical event celebrated on t-shirts, in parades, and on candles.

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Gosnell Was Convicted Six Years Ago, and N.H. Law Remains Gosnell-Friendly

May 13, 2013, Philadelphia: Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murder, manslaughter, and a couple of hundred lesser offenses. He’s in prison for life. If he were released, he could set up shop in New Hampshire and commit with impunity some of the same actions for which he’s now imprisoned.

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Some Choice.

I went to the “Gosnell” movie last week with my wife and a neighbor. Not many people were in the theater early on a Thursday evening. It was about one-quarter full. Mostly older people and a few seeming to be family members, filed in as we did. The thing that struck me about the movie … Read more

Go See “Gosnell” – and Here’s Why

A handful of times each year, something comes along that makes it worth my while to get to a movie theater. Right now, Gosnell is that something. Why am I eager to watch once more a film that I saw in a special screening only a few weeks ago? Read my full review below – especially if the name Kermit Gosnell means nothing to you or if the name is a bit hazy. This is a story to remember and share. As this is posted, the film is scheduled for showings beginning October 12 at the Regal in Newington and Cinematic in Hooksett.

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Gosnell – Movie Trailer

Kermit Gosnell is no mystery to our readers but if you are new look here.

And, if you might be interested in the movie we have this from Phelim and Ann and the movie trailer on the jump.

Please watch and share with everyone you know and on social media. We need your help to get this important story the attention it has never received. The mainstream media don’t want anyone to see this movie, Planned Parenthood don’t want anyone to see this movie, Hollywood doesn’t want anyone to see this movie.

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How Would You Kill The Baby?

Molly Kelly
Molly Kelly hanging with the Clintons

Back on April 16th, Ellen Kolb, writing on her blog, reported that EMILY’s list had decided who it would support for Governor of New Hampshire in the 2018 Election.

Fresh off a victory by its preferred candidate in the Manchester mayoral election, EMILY’s List has announced that it is throwing its endorsement and cash into the New Hampshire governor’s race in support of Molly Kelly.

This reminded me of a question I asked five years ago.

If you support live birth abortion, what is the best way for “doctors” to kill those babies?

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Belated Mothers Day Card for the Londonderry Town Democrats

I heard that the Londonderry New Hampshire Town Democrats sent US Senator Kelly Ayotte a  mother’s day card.  It was a drawing of the kids murdered at Newtown, with the words ‘Happy Mothers Day.’  Someone forwarded it to me in an email.

Newtown was tragic, but sending the Senator a card like that was, well….I’m not going to expect anyone to denounce you because you liberals are probably all too busy sniggering amongst yourselves at how clever you all are.  And you are Democrats.  But hey, if you want to play that game…I’m more than willing.  If you want to stand on the bodies of more dead children for political gain, who could ever compete with a Democrat?

So with that in mind, I thought I’d return the favor.  You know, send the Democrats a picture for Mothers Day as well…

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NARAL, that wonderful, private, totally tax-exempt, 501 (c)(3) public charity corporation, fund-raising on top of the bodies of dead babies. Via Weasel Zippers

May 4th GrokTALK! Segment One – Skip, Steve, Susan…

Here’s segment one of the May 4, 2013 Grok-a-Saurus, Grok-a-Topia, GrokTastic, Grok-a-Palooza. In the first segment Skip and Steve are joined by GrokBlogger (Grokster) Susan Olsen. Some of the topics include Plan B, Stella Tremblay, Erica Lafferty, Kermit Gosnell, Trolls wishing death upon you and your family, Donuts, grand-kids as petri dishes and more.  Segment … Read more

The Inevitable You Are Only ‘Prosecuting Gosnell Because He’s Black’ Defense

In closing arguments the defense for Kermit Gosnell has resorted to claiming that the only reason Gosnell is on trial at all is because he is black.  And I guess we are then meant to assume that if Kermit just happened to be a white guy who had killed women and slaughtered live babies, then we’d still be talking about Dancing with the Stars or how no one really gives a damn what happens on American Idol anymore?

“Never have I seen the presumption of innocence so trampled on, stomped on,” said McMahon in court today, adding that the Philadelphia district attorney’s office “tried to manipulate everybody” and was pursuing an “elitist, racist prosecution.”

“Dr. Gosnell is not the only one doing abortions in Philadelphia,” McMahon said, “but he was an African American singled out for prosecution.”

“We know why he was targeted,” he said. “If you can’t see that reality, you’re living in some sort of la-la land.”

Acually, isn’t he kind of a light-skinned black man, sort of the same way that George Zimmerman was a light skinned Hispanic?

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Abortion and the Media in One Cartoon…

..and just the tip of the media bias iceberg. H/T Cahnman’s Musings

New Hampshire Democrat Women! How Do You Think Live Birth Abortions Should Be Performed?

NH Democrat women and live birth abortion

No point in beating around the bush.  Kermit Gosnell has put live birth abortion front and center and so should we.  It is a thoroughly documented fact that this is something that a number of prominent Democrat women in New Hampshire support.  Democrat leaders in the state and the Democrat party support it.  So we should explore this support to learn more about it.

It is reported that Gosnell, who performed many live birth abortions, would take the crying newborns and snip their spines to kill them.   But that is not necessarily the way every abortion doctor kills newborn babies, so we should pose the question to those in the New Hampshire Democrat party who not only support the practice but enrich their political careers because of it.

To the Democrat women in New Hampshire that support this practice…do you believe that Gosnell’s method–severing the infants spine at the neck– is the best way to kill a baby or do you prefer another?

If you prefer some other method of killing them, what is it?  We know you support it.  So speak up.

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Thanks for clearing that up

[Kermit Gosnell’s] “….method of ridding women of their unwanted late-term pregnancies was to induce labor and deliver the child….It was complete birth, followed by murder.” H/T Ann Althouse

GrokTALK! Snippets–Segment Four: Ellen Kolb on Life, Religious Liberty, And The Pursuit of Media Responsibility

In the Fourth and final Segment of this weeks podcast Skip and Steve talk with longtime New Hampshire life Advocate Ellen Kolb about the HHS mandate, the GOP and Social Issues, Kermit the Killer Gosnell, the missing media, Planned Parenthood and more. Due to a technical problem the first few minute of this segment were … Read more

An All New GrokTALK!

Welcome back GrokTALK! This week we talk to Activist Kevin Bloom about both the nano-brewery and Industrial Hemp bills working their way through the New Hampshire Legislature. We sit down with former State Senator Gary Lambert to discuss the GOP Autopsy report. And Ellen Kolb joins us to talk about Life, Religious Liberty and the … Read more

Abortion: Killing on behalf of the ideologies and policies of liberals and the state they’ve created.

From Sultin Knish, a blog by Daniel Greenfield, “Violence On Their Behalf.”

Ain't it grand....
Ain’t it grand….

For the pro-abortion movement, it has come to this. Greenfield explains that those who love and fight for unlimited abortion are kind of like arsonists, but…

Most arsonists don’t set their own houses on fire. Most liberal policies don’t affect liberals. Yet this the world that liberalism made. It is small, mean and ugly. Call it Sex Positive Education or Reproductive Freedom or…

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Depends on your definition of massacre…

Mid-February I commented that “nationwide in 2011, mothers, aided and abetted by physicians, murdered their unborn children at a rate of 1 every 2.28 minutes.”  I failed to include those innocents who were born and then butchered at the hands of one vile monster, Doctor Kermit Gosnell, currently on trial in Philadelphia, an “accused mass murderer … Read more

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