Biohazard sign

I Do Not Want a Level 4 Bio-Weapons Lab in My State

Dear Attorney (AG, Governor, State Senators, House reps, US Senators); with all the issues today with our food and paper products having sporadic availability, I think it is important to address the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) level 4 lab being built in Manhattan, KS.

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Citizenship is no Longer Required for Voting.

Citizenship is no Longer Required for Voting

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) gave its concurrence that citizenship is no longer required for voting. Monday SCOTUS declined to hear a case (No. 20-109 Schwab v. Fish) on a Kansas voting law. The law requires residents to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote. This was despite 18 red states … Read more

Bloody Kansas Redux

The State of Kansas has an election law requiring documentary proof of citizenship (“DPOC”) for voter registration. Why is this issue important to us in New Hampshire? NH law, RSA 654:1, makes being a citizen of the US one of the essential qualifications for registration to vote. This past Wednesday, April 29, the federal Court … Read more

Louisiana Follows Kansas On Federal Gun Law Nullification

Gun Rights prevent rape

Last month Kansas–those radical flatlanders–passed a bill that nullified a wide range of federal gun laws for weapons manufactured and sold within the state’s borders.  Holder and the gun ninnies were naturally put off by this.  (Feds no like when u nullify their unconstitutional power grabs.)

The Missouri House has also passed legislation to send a message to its governor that “…rejects all federal acts that infringe on a Missouri citizens’ rights under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.”

ABC News 17

The message sent throughout the building was anger towards Governor Jay Nixon and the Department of Revenue. They’re angry because their conceal carry information was sent to the federal government twice. Many tell ABC 17 News being a conceal carry holder for several years, this was an invasion of their privacy. 

And now the Louisiana House has passed its own bill, similar to that in Kansas.

House Bill 45 (HB45) would exempt firearms manufactured and remaining in the state of Louisiana from federal law, federal taxation or federal regulation, including registration.  It passed by a vote of 75-20.

The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Joseph Lopinto, finds its foundation in a proper understanding of the commerce clause.

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