John Stephen Failed to Act

During her campaign for Executive Council in District 4, Terese Bastarache passionately condemns the appalling neglect and complicity surrounding the abuse allegations at the Sununu Youth Services Center.

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AFP logo

Some Thoughts on Americans for Prosperity.

Many non-Dems* are at least somewhat familiar with Americans for Prosperity(AFP), which Ed Mosca refers to in his rightful disparaging of “Koch-bots” within the GOP.  I leave it to the readers to bring themselves up to speed on the Koch brothers and point out all their daily anti-Trump mailers sent in January before the Republican* presidential primary that Chris Ager refused to get closed to nonmembers. 

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Mr Stephen, Your Turn Was Not Forgotten

By now, readers should be familiar with the executive council race to replace the retiring Ted Gatsas in District 4, a seat that Nurse Terese has been focused on for over 2 years.  Last election cycle, she primaried him with almost no resources and received almost 30% of the votes.  She is also a regular … Read more

Feds Play The Lynch Shell Game With Themselves

Taking a page from the John Lynch Playbook, the Federal Reserve is planning to buy 500 billion in treasury bonds. This is the Federal Government taking money from it’s right pocket, putting it in its’ left pocket, then putting it back in the right pocket, and claiming to have 500 billion more to spend.

Stephen Surging

Late polling shows John Stephen closing the gap to the point that the race is now a toss up.  That means every vote counts.  Get out there and vote for John Stephen.  He is the only candidate who can win and advance our shared goals for liberty and a return to smaller government.

More Gay Lobby Lunch Money For Lynch

Lynch has only raised 1.12 Million for the general election with his own loans. Take the loans out and he only has 350,000.00 from sources other than his own checkbook. Thirty five percent of whats left is from one special interest; gay marriage activists from Tim Gill’s Political Out Giving, the group he secretly slithered off to, to give a luncheon speech back in May.

Urgent Message For Pro-Choice Voters

These words, URGENT MESSAGE FOR PRO CHOICE VOTERS, appear on the front of a letter from ‘New Hampshire for John Lynch 10.’  The letter, (scanned image available on the jump) is addressed to my wife, who is a registered Republican by the way.  It is both a declaration and an attack.

It declares the Lynch commitment to choice.

I am proudly pro choice.  As Governor, I have stood firmly in support of protecting the rights of women to make their own private medical decisions.  I repealed an unconstitutional law that put the reproductive health and safety of women at risk.

Interesting. Would those be 13 year old "women?"

It continues…

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Lynch Lies Some More

He lied about the confab being for campaign contributions, he lied about the deficit and spending, he lied about balancing the budget, the "surplus" meme is a lie in the context with which he’s applied it, he stood for parental rights then shot them down, he said he was against broad based taxes but signed … Read more

Ray Buckley Doth Protest Too Much

Gay Activist "Fish" Stories?NHDP Chairperson Ray Buckley likes to pretend things about who we should and should not vote for.  This time around it’s the governors race, and the object of his affection is John Stephen.


If Republican Primary voters watched WMUR last night they would vote for Jack Kimball for governor because Johnny Stephen did a terrible, terrible job. Let’s hope they vote for Stephen, his vacuous platform and profound lack of even a basic understanding of issues past silly bumper sticker slogans will flop big time in November.

-From Ray’s Facebook page


Silly bumper sticker slogans?  Oh, like, "Yes we can?"  Or maybe  "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for?"  How about "Hope and Change?" Ray knows all about the "profound lack of even a basic understanding of issues."  It’s called the daily White House Press conference. Or maybe the average NHDP press release?

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The Bikini Burqa Bloviators

Democrats think that a bikini hula-hoop contest as part of a political fundraiser is insulting and demeaning to women.  This after a private fundraiser being held for the Stephen campaign announced the addition–which the Stephen campaign refused to support, and which resulted in them refusing any money raised whether the bikinis were there or not. … Read more

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