
Showing the hypocrisy of the Left in two tweets. Who said they believed that Black Lives Matter?

Only those black lives that believe like they do. (H/T: Instapundit)


Black Lives Matter Nashua is an Unserious Organization

In early June, Black Lives Matter Nashua posted a petition on their Facebook page in support of defunding the police. I am a Nashua resident and I wanted to learn more, so I registered to participate in their June 17 organizing call, which was advertised as being open to the public.

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State Senate Votes 13-11 to Table HB 370 – The Education Scholarship Credit Lives!!!

HB 370, the government-school monopoly, anti-education-choice-bill from the union-owned Democrat House, that would have repealed the education scholarship tax credit that passed last year, has been tabled by the New Hampshire State Senate.    Tabling a bill is not legislative death but it is not unlike locking a prisoner up in a dungeon and forgetting they are there.  Someone might wander down to take a peek, but more likely  than not no one will ever visit it again.

Snidely whiplash - NEA loses as HB370 is tabled in NH Senate

There are several reasons for doing it, but more than likely this was to give cover for folks who would rather leave things as they are.  As a way to end the repeal effort without actually having to vote pass or fail..   Or maybe we got lucky.  I don’t much care what or why, just that it’s done, at least until Fred Lynn the ACLU, and the out of state wing-nuts who are planning to file suit at the bench of left-wing Judge John “I redefined domicile in time for the November Elections” Lewis….who will be asked to block the program on the grounds that it violates the separation of church and state.

Today we are victorious.  Tomorrow is another day.

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Judge Lewis To Hear Motions to Intervene to His “Dump Domicile Law” Decision

This Thursday, October 4th, at 1:00Pm Judge John Lewis, husband of Democrat donor Cindy Lewis, and the judge who signed off on the ACLU’s “please suspend the domicile rules for the November election so we can stuff ballot boxes with out of state votes for President, governor, and that nasty constitutional amendment that would ban … Read more

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