New Hampshire’s Latest Criminal Enterprise

Medicaid Expansion in NH is now inevitable. The majority (registered) Republican legislature has guaranteed passage (the NH House passed it today). We discuss the last hearing, the lobbyists, and their water carriers in government.  

The Cost of Medicaid Expansion in NH

As Republicans advance Medicaid expansion in NH local activists have developed an online tool to show taxpayers just how expensive this will get, even IF the Feds keep their funding promise. (2016-01-30 Segment 1a)  

It’s Probably Not A Scheme To Pass An Income Tax

NH Democrats fleece taxpayers againStarting with the downfall of the Casino bill in the New Hampshire House, voices started peeping about how this was really some progressive  plot to pass an income tax.  I guess the two were being connected somehow?  The Democrats voted the Casino bill down so they could use its death as an excuse to summon up a new broad based tax.

Fortunately for us the same House that voted down the casino bill never included the  assumed Casino revenue in their budget.  The State senate never included any casino money in their budget either.  No one except the governor did and her budget has now been through the House and the Senate sans Casino revenue of any kind.

So relax.

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This is interesting: A Fair Tax webinar

FairTaxButtonDon’t get me wrong: It’s obvious we don’t have much chance of repealing the 16th Amendment and instituting a national sales tax in this era. The political/ruling classes have become so corrupt, so rich, so powerful, and so ubiquitous—especially in Washington, DC—that real economic reform in America is pretty unlikely.

However…with all that said, there is a big collapse coming, and…

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Carol Shea-RUNAWAY!

Rep-Carol-Shea-Porter - I missed voting with Pelosi 100% by this much
I came this close to having to answer a question no one had given me the answer to

Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter continues to endear herself to her constituents by running away from questions she has not been taught how to answer.  Today’s example comes from Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire…

(Manchester – April 2, 2013)  Yesterday afternoon at a local senior center, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) repeatedly avoided questions on two important issues that, if implemented, would severely impact Granite Staters. 

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“Less take-home pay” – Well, THAT didn’t take long now, did it?

“Less take-home pay”; Tim listed another things that the Democrats now “own” based on their election results.  Here in NH, Maggie “The Red” Hassan (the NH Governor-elect) is about to be sorely tempted to immediately sign a bill to institute a broad-based income tax.  NH Families for Education (“dedicated to advocating family involvement in education”) (emphasis mine):

House Democrat Introduces Legislation for an Income Tax

Remember when Democratic candidates were pledging not to pass an income tax? Well, forget that promise! They now want an income tax to pay for education.


Title: establishing a one percent personal income tax to fund chartered public schools. Sponsors: (Prime) Peter Sullivan

Education Tax Credits (2013-H-0190-L) Title: relative to education tax credits Sponsor: (Prime) Peter Sullivan

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On Not being California…

Tax Money down the toiletNew Hampshire is not California.  We are not California because with the exception of 2007-2010, we try to avoid letting Democrats run the entire state government.  (We’re also not Massachusetts for that same reason.)  And this is good, because while Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has now implemented “cost controls” for Healthcare providers in his state, guaranteeing(long term) less access, longer waits and poorer service, California is a bloody disaster.

The tax and spend, unsustainable pension and benefits, land of environmental extortion, saw sales tax revenue drop 33.5% last month.  While but one small part of the problem that is “California” all the problems can be linked directly to things that New Hampshire Democrats want you to experience right here in the Granite State.

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A Community Organizer? In Paris? Naturally.

Sometimes the New York Times delivers.  I’m not a fan of the New York Times, but I do occasionally peruse its site for interesting tidbits.  Although, most of the time while doing so I find myself reflecting back to the actual usefulness of its well-absorbent newspaper edition (being a dog lover, it came in handy when we had pups), tonight its digital version made me smile.

In reference to hearing about the 75% income tax proposal from their newly hired Socialist French president, things like this echoed through streets of Paris:

“Should I be preparing to leave the country?”

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About That “No Tax Pledge” Candidate Hassan…

Has Maggie Hassan taken the no tax pledge or not?It’s a well regarded fact that Democrat Candidate Maggie “The Red” Hassan, early in her candidacy for Governor of New Hampshire, took a Pledge to veto any sales or Income tax.  This is something of an election year tradition.  Democrats who have been trying to raise old taxes or pass new taxes for years find the odds of achieving the states highest office against them if they don’t pay lip service to “The Pledge.”

Governor Shaheen fell off the horse and eventually passed the state wide education funding tax.  Governor Lynch signed the pledge then later signed off on RGGI, a regressive broad based tax that actually outsourced taxing power to an unelected out of state board.  And now Maggie Hassan has stated repeatedly that she has taken the same pledge, but has she?

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GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Questions 9 – 12

And now for the third set of four questions (list of previous questions and their links after the jump) from the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate that was hosted by John Burt, questions asked by Speaker Bill O’Brien and  Alex Talcott , and answered by the Candidates for the Republican nomination for NH Governor, Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith.

Question 9:

One of the least known aspects of Obamacare is how it seeks to hijack State finances in order to expand insurance coverage particularly in the area of Medicaid. One area it does this in is doubling income elegibility.  That’s the aspect to bring forward the decision. That’s the aspect and the reason for the Supreme Court decision that it is optional to the States.  Can you tell us whether or not NH should take up that option and expand its population?  As part of your answer, can you tell us where Medicaid is going in NH and how NH is going to finally be able to protect its sovereignty from the Federal Government trying to push us to overspending here in NH?

Question 10:

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Is John Lynch In Trouble With Democrats?

The progressive socialists who pull the big red levers at party headquarters invest a good deal of political capitol on bashing big business and the men and women who run them so how do they reconcile their figurehead democrat pimping the potential for 1500 new manufacturing jobs in the state, created by some evil, free market, fortune 100 company?

New Hampshire Got Jobs!?

How about some jobs? New Hampshire is reporting an April unemployment rate of 4.9%. … This is unlike last year when the initial “improvement” we saw was actually the result of workforce decline–people had stopped looking or receiving benefits and dropped out of the equation.

Questons For The ‘Pro’ Income Tax Folks.

If you like income taxes so much, and they are so “fair,” why don’t you just move to a state that has them already? Are you put off by their lower quality of life, higher overall tax burden, larger populations of unemployed, higher poverty rates, higher crime rates, and invasive meddling bureaucracies of those other states?

Granite State Fair Tax Spins And Spins And Spins

Mark Fernald is pimping for the misleadingly named Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC).  This is a group of tax and spend liberals (their fellow travelers and useful idiots) who are trying get an income tax. 

To sell you on this Utopian elixir of piss, GSFTC argues that New Hampshire’s property taxes favor the rich, and most recently have sent out a pile of nonsense with some misleading graphs, through Fernald’s email list to make the sale.  But as usual it is spun upside down and backwards and ignores one very unassailable fact.  New Hampshire has one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the nation because it relies on property taxes.  And the rich are not paying less for their share of State government.

TaxesGovernment is a necessary (preferably limited) evil, laid out like a salad bar.  There are all kinds of services your tax dollars pay for.  Some of them are for “just in case kinds of things” like public safety.  Then there are roads and schools and clerks and so on.  And then there are unemployment, welfare, heating aid, and a host of social support services, and the cost of the bureaucracy itself. 

By law these services are made available to everyone equally based on need so the folks most likely to consume government services are lower income residents.  Statistically, the less you earn, the more of the salad bar you are likely to need or eat from and the more trips you are likley to make in a given year.   But no matter what you earn, or where you live, or how well you live, you still only get one plate–and you pay for that plate in the form of taxes.  

The GSFTC would like you to believe that the rich are paying less for that plate.  To perpetrate this deception they use "taxes paid as a percentage of income" to make their case.   Their argument is that the rich only pay about 2% of their income as taxes while the poorer folks pay over 8% (Roughly), and that this is unfair.   But is that really the case?  Are the rich paying less money for a trip to the New and Improved State Government Salad Bar or is GSFTC just playing class warfare games?

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