Isn’t it amusing the way Democrat Governors discover State’s rights, Federalism, and Nullification when it suits them? They are not inviolable rights but pieces to be played. It was expected, of course, and they have delivered (again). The governors of Illinois, California, Colorado, and Massachusetts, as well as mayors in cities like Denver and Boston, are prepared to fight whatever policies Donald Trump proposes, and I’m not here to complain. If they want to protect illegals and Climate programs, by all means, ask your voters (see also taxpayers) to suck that up.
Just be prepared for questions like, why is it ok to block the feds to make our lives an expensive hell (locally), but when the feds do it, you’re all open arms?
And then there is absorbing the surge in new arrivals fleeing from states that are less enthusiastic about the public health, housing, drug, crime, and other disasters that follow.
Phil Scott, the moderate Republican Governor of Vermont, was asked if he’d join those idiots, and he didn’t say no, but he didn’t say yes. He seems prepared to take things as they come. But when asked about Trump’s plan to deport 17 million illegals, he didn’t think that was realistic, and he might be right, especially if they hide in Colorado, Massachusetts, California, and Illinois. And while Mayor Adams (NYC) says he’s prepared to cooperate, states like Massachusetts – which declared a state of emergency because they had so many illegals there – said they’d protect them, too.
I guess we’ll have to see who they assault, rape, or rob. I’m sure there’s a line somewhere that even proglodytes can’t cross. As for Vermont, it’s a sanctuary state with sanctuary cities, and again, there’s a “see how it goes” narrative. See how it goes? You have immigrant gangs killing each other in Burlington. Brattleborough has a serious crime problem that connects to its open-border drug problem. If you want to fix those in a state that can’t hire and retain police officers ‘cuz BLM and Defund Dems clearly won’t have their backs, good luck.
I’m sure you’ll work it out, but keep them from wandering across our border. If you do, they will likely get Deported. Offer them some handouts in however many languages you think you need to say, and if you wander, go west, not east.
I do agree that importing 17 million illegals is a lot easier than deporting them, but I bet all the Republican governors will be mostly somewhat helpful. And where are the handful of Dem states planning on keeping the rest of them, and what sort of humanitarian crisis are they prepared for because the people those illegals are most likely to displace are not going to “just” let this happen to them? This is part of why Trump did so well in Democrat cities. There’s a shift, and while the economy was number high on the list, uncontrolled immigration was not far behind.
Phil Scott might be right about deportations when he says, “I think that’s just unrealistic. I just don’t see how that could happen.” But many people have said the same thing about Kamala losing or the Dems losing both chambers of Congress.
America has spoken. They want this done. Feel free to be of any assistance you can.