A Few Thoughts on VP Joe Biden Absconding Classified Docs from Barry’s White House

The raid on Mar-a-Lago on August 8th was mostly theater. Wind for the media sales. There wasn’t anything there to which a former President wasn’t entitled. The media rode it hard for weeks as if it proved something, and the Machine wanted to use it as a pretext for an indictment.

The entire purpose of the Democrat’s J6 Star Chamber was to get Trump, but then something changed. They dropped the Mar-A-Lago business, and now we probably know why.


According to multiple media reports, it was discovered a week prior to the midterm election that Joe Biden had removed classified documents from his term as Vice-President to a private office in the Penn Biden Center.


A week before the midterms and left under cover of darkness until this week, super-friendly CBS breaks a story about a kindly older gentleman who mistakenly took classified documents “home” with him. No. They went to the Penn Biden Center, “a think tank about a mile from the White House, in Washington, D.C., that is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and named for the sitting president.”  

I’m not buying the private office bit for a second.

And never fear, AG Garland has someone on it. I’m sure we’ll come to find there was nothing to see. Unlike that despicable Trump fellow who had copies of things “likely connected to the DOJ and FBI operation against the Trump campaign and administration, with much of the information being made public prior to his departure from office.”

They spied on him as a candidate and a president and used Clinton’s Campaign opposition research (lies) to justify FISA warrants and the rest of it. I’d want copies of it, too, whether I’d declassified them or not. Whatever else he had couldn’t put a shine on the stuff on Hunter Biden’s Laptop connecting The Big Guy” to espionage and corruption for cash. Facts in evidence that someday, long from now, the media will find some excuse to unearth to make us forget about something else rotten some other Democrat has done.

As for Biden, if you recall, the Obamas hated the Bidens. They still can’t stand them. It might be one of Barry’s truly valuable insights. So what is Joe doing stealing classified files and fettering them away in some obscure location like a ‘private office’ at a think tank?

Side note: What thoughts must they thunk at Joe’s Think Tank? Harry Legs, Corn Pop, Ice cream? Jerry Sandusky?

Sundance at the Treehouse suggested that,


If I had to hazard a guess about what classified documents VP Biden would want to take from the White House during the Obama era, they likely included some form of blackmail material in the event that Obama Inc ever tried to strong arm or threaten the Biden crime syndicate politically.  Documents likely containing dirt on nefarious issues related to the Obama administration that Biden could hold as leverage, an insurance policy of sorts.


This sounds reasonable, but when the AG’s office is done with it, I’m sure they’ll say it was nothing and should have never been “classified” in the first place, but they won’t release any details. It’s not classified, but it’s “need to know,” and no one needs to know except maybe Barry Obama and his approved stooges. He’s allegedly running the swamp (or parts of it) from one or all of his various mansions. If so, and he got wind of Biden lifting something or had suspected, he could easily grab his phone and pen and have it looked into, just in case.

You don’t want that unknown just lying out there, given Joe’s deteriorating mental fitness.

He might stumble upon it while looking for lord knows what and then accidentally blurt something out in the middle of a speech.

Or it might be about Hunter, Joe’s Brother, one of Joe’s other children, Ukraine, China, a Caribbean offshore account, or who the hell knows. We’ll never know, just like Jeffy Epstein. Someone will have to hack the Feds to pry that stuff out into the open, and it could happen but will it?

Does anyone want to be a whistleblower? His name is Biden, not Clinton.



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