So our hosting company coughed up the email complaint against GraniteGrok as requested. Much surprise as to who it was – not.
Heather Day
NH State Rep Jan Schmidt – the mind logic of a Socialist? “Extortion”?
“Extortion?” To recap: Some started up a Facebook page consisting of just quoting Nashua Alderman and NH State Rep Jan Schmidt’s own words NH State Rep Jan Schmidt’s daughter, Heather Day, issues what seemed to be a threat against the admin of the “Musings of Alderman Jan” simply for quoting her mother’s words Grokster Kimberly … Read more
So About That DEMAND NH State Rep Jan Schmidt Issued?
The DEMAND was that we take down the image of her daughter who had threatened a Conservative on Facebook (and either Facebook agreed and took it down or was deleted as it did seem like an imminent threat – as in END THIS WOMAN”):
NH Dem Rep Jan Schmidt’s Family Threatens a Nashua Resident and Doxxing
Over the weekend, as previously reported, a Nashua activist created a Facebook page that is devoted to sharing the public commentary and actions of Nashua Alderwoman and New Hampshire State Representative, Jan Schmidt. Schmidt is an elected official who apparently doesn’t like anyone to hold her accountable for her words or actions. New Hampshire Democrats … Read more