Dianne Feinstein

Weapons of War? You Bet.

Dianne Feinstein, in introducing yet another gun-grab bill, declared that ‘assault weapons’ are ‘weapons of war.’ Of course, by this point, the pro-rights reflex is to shout back:  No they’re not!  And then to start listing all the other uses for what are more accurately called semi-automatic sporting rifles.

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Dana Loesch v Beto

Alpha Loesch vs. Beto-Male – I Just Want to Defend Myself, O’Rourke is Making Actual Threats

When a candidate for president declares that confiscation of private property is a priority for their administration, we believe them. He doesn’t just want to disarm the law-abiding citizens, he’s promising direct action, and that’s a threat. He even had t-shirts made up.

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Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Beto-Male Update: O’Rourke Admits His Plan is to Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens

Robert O’Rourke is fishing deep for Democrat primary voters. The 74% who wanted to ban AR-15’s after Parkland. The 74% of Democrats who support a mandatory Government buyback. The 64 percent who think the NRA is a Domestic Terror Group.

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AR-15 Woman gun store

Right Before Your Eyes: New Zealand Moves from Bans and Buy-Backs to a National Gun Registry

New Zealand is on a fast-track to gun confiscation. Sure, they are saying that “there is a legitimate need … to access guns, particularly our rural community.” What they mean is, we can’t get them all until we know where they are- so let’s create a Gun Registry.

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Maybe the start of a Revolution? Another firearms company to leave NY Govt to its own firearm devices (or not)

LaRue Tactical Olympic Arms.  Now a third firearms company, York Arms,  is saying that what is bad for civilians is going to be bad for Government entities and Law Enforcement agencies in New York due to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new law (hey, he was all but frothing at the mouth to get this, so let him own it!)  that all but eliminates gun usage / ownership (when there are no mags that fit the law AND the guns in New York, you have effectively killed the Second Amendment in NY – for now).  The Press Release:

Buxton, ME –(Ammoland.com)- Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York.

We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York.

As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.

This part was GREAT:

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