Early warnings by those of us who understand human nature and human sexuality went unheeded that accepting the homosexual movement’s claim to want equal rights was a Trojan Horse with a slippery slope. That slop is now leading to the acceptance of pedophiles even as we were told to ignore that evil in the name of “love”. One homosexual activist, Kevin Bishop, in a moment of transparency, said in an interview with the Electronic Mail & Guardian (June 30, 1997)
“Scratch the average homosexual and you will find a pedophile”.
Bishop, an admitted pederast (pedophile), is promoting the work of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in South Africa. Bishop, who was molested at the age of six, is also an admitted homosexual who is blunt about the relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia.
This pedophile/homosexual activist began studying pedophilia while a student at Rhodes University. He also discovered Karl Marx there in addition to other literature that helped form his worldview. Those views are being echoed around the world by homosexual activists who are seeking what they call “sexual freedom” for children.
The warnings are only slightly less powerful than the denial. To those of us who understand human nature, the power of human sexuality, and the indefensible act of pederasty, it has been like watching a train full of children wrecking in slow motion.
One can try to normalize pedophilic behavior by citing historically cultural examples, such as ancient Greece or the practice of “Bachi Bazi” among Afghani Muslims where perverted men justify sexual contact with children. The west has opened the door to this same type of man (pedophiles by and large are men) and the insatiable male sex drive is about to be unleashed on the world’s children.
It’s not as if it isn’t already happening in the highly profitable child trafficking industry, which last I checked, makes more money than illegal arms and illegal drug trafficking combined. For those who believe pedophilia in any way involves love or sexual freedom for children ask why is trafficking children for sexual purposes so lucrative. Does “love” kidnap a child from their parents all right? Is that freedom for the child? Why do children remain in bondage for the sexual gratification of pederasts who are willing to pay thousands of dollars for the “service”?
Ignoring the moral argument at our peril, there is still biological and developmental to consider. Children lack both the emotional and physical maturity to engage in a healthy sexual relationship. I can hardly believe I have to make this point, however, our insouciance toward this scientific fact brings with it a generation of abused children.
To be clear, a child’s body is incapable of handling the sexual organs as they are designed for adults. As with homosexual sex, the resultant damage is unavoidable. Shockingly the pederasts will claim their sexual contact with children is either consenting, similar to the argument for youth “transitioning”, or “innocent” in nature. Both are oxymoronic. The entire legal code is built upon ages of consent with the common knowledge that children lack the maturity to make consensual decisions, be it contract law or sexuality. Sexual contact with a child in no way remains innocent – it robs them of it. Innocent defined includes:
- Uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing; sinless.
- Not guilty of a specific crime or offense; legally blameless.
- Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law; lawful.
Innocence is the very nature of children, despite their proclivity to sin (re: lie, steal, cheat, hit, etc.). We regard them with an extra measure of grace given their age and lack of intellectual and moral maturity takes time to develop, and by nearly all global standards that time is 18 years of age.
Here is where Marx and his “abolition of the family” and “abolition of religion” come in. Both, if abolished, remove the standard of innocence and open the door to the pedophilic seduction of children. Though not a pedophile Marx’s followers either were or endorsed as much. If you think the queer movement is novel think again. German Jew Georgy Lukacs took control as the Minister of Culture in Hungary in 1919 and proceeded to institute the same sexualizing of children assuming this would create the necessary destabilization of a generation Marxists would use to revolt against their predecessors. Luckily, Hungarians were intolerant of this and threw him out of the country after one year of his version of drag queen story hour.
Herbert Marcuse, another German Jew, expatriated to the United States where he rose to prominence as a Marxist on the west coast writing prolifically about the need for new energy in the Marxist revolution. Where would they find it? Among the dissident blacks (re: BLM) and queers. In his Essay On Liberation, he wrote of a “new sensibility” where he opined about sexual liberation. His view was open-ended enough to imply room for pedophiles.
French Marxists and post-modernists, including doctors and psychologists, petitioned the French government to lower the age of consent laws in 1977. How low? Enough to legalize pedophilia, of which famous philosopher and co-signer Michel Foucault was a notable predator.
This is why the Jeffrey Epstein story was so important and why its quick burial and cover-up scream loudly about the pedophilic ambitions of the global elite. We may not be able to identify them all, nor have the means to bring them to justice collectively or individually. One glance at Epstein’s departure and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell’s outcome reveals how they groom and protect one another.
However the institutional embrace of this criminal behavior, and pedophilia is and should always be regarded as criminal, has breached the very buildings housing our children. Taxpayer dollars are now being used to endorse the abuse of the taxpayer’s children. Marxists, long on linguistic word games, have taken to renaming pedophiles Minor Attracted Person’s. This euphemism doesn’t remove the moral and biological evil of pedophilia. Any sane adult knows this. However, the assumption of sanity among adults is a faulty one. Mental illness is becoming the new normal, and the mentally ill, including people who can no longer identify as women, or think you can touch blue and make it true to change genders as a 12-year-old, are behind the wheel and careening our culture toward a cliff at the bottom of which we all share the impact.
Minor Attracted Persons are pedophiles. They are by definition sick beyond repair and should be regarded as major, not minor, threats to our children and culture.
This hill is worth dying on.