Eco-Socialist cavemen

Data Point – Whoops! I Thought Climate Change Meant More People Are Dying???

All I’ve heard since I was in High School (50+ years ago) was that Global Cooling (back then) followed by Global Warming, then Climate Change, Climate Chaos, Climate Catastrophe…and there will be more as the Eco-Socialists figure out that their words aren’t working. Always, they need to keep it as a crisis that must put the rest of us on a permanent war footing.

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The Best Ways To Upgrade Your Business This Year

It is important to always consider ways in which you can upgrade your business. You cannot expect to succeed and compete with other brands if you simply stay the same every year, especially when you consider just how quickly the landscape changes in terms of technology, trends, and expectations. This also makes it hard to … Read more

“Green” Cleaner Responsible for Blaze

Kool aid burning with citris cleanerThankfully no one was hurt but talk about an eye opener.

Fire Lt. Kenneth Vincent said with the increase in people using “green” cleaning products, the number of chemical combustion fires is on the rise.

Those are two words that should make any Birkenstock wearing, free-trade-latte-drinking-tree-hugging-Kashi-eating-granola junkie shudder – ‘chemical fire.’

That can’t be good for the environment, right?

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But can you get a Bachelor’s in both kinds of stupid?

How green is my pasture?
How green is my pasture?








Following in the footsteps of Steve’s great post, I thought I ought to mention (if you hadn’t already heard) there is a student- advocacy organization at UNH called the Student Environmental Action Coalition pressing the university to divest itself from ‘oil and other fossil fuel’ companies.   Mimicking other non-reality-based schools, these little darlings seem to want the world to be run on nothing but clean, green, renewable energy, thus saving the world if not for their progeny (what with free contraception and all that), at least for the polar bears and unicorns. Just how much of UNH’s (2011[i]) $227 million endowment is invested in one form or another of nasty fossil fuels, I do not know.  But I’m pretty sure that none of the university’s or the town of Durham’s utilities or municipal services are currently fueled by solar, wind or fairy dust.

On the contrary, it appears as though electricity is supplied by PSNH and the NH Electric Coop; natural gas is supplied by Northern Utilities; the university has its own water system but the town runs the wastewater treatment plant and trash pickup.

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Chevy Volt vs. Health Care

Just a passing observation about the Chevy Volt. It is not a Green vehicle unless by ‘Green’ you mean that it runs by burning through money.  After all, who can actually  afford a $45,000.00 automobile, even with a $7,000.00 dollar taxpayer funded incentive?   The vehicle is barely functional as an electric car, taking longer to … Read more

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