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Facebook Accused of Discriminating Against American Workers

It’s nice to wake up to happy news, and there’s so little of it, but we’ve got this. Facebook, maybe you’ve heard of them, is being sued by the Feds. No, not for violating section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. No, not for suppressing speech rights. They are charged with giving jobs Americans will do to foreigners to save money.

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Money for nuthin….

So let me get this straight, some 250 folks were trusting (nay, let’s be honest, greedy and stupid) enough to loan money to a Ponzi scheme in the hopes of making astonishing returns on those loans and when the scumbag operating it finally ran out of suckers and money and the game collapsed, these 250 … Read more

Blogosphere Line of the Day – on Greed

by Skip

From Instapundit “A higher form of justice” translates as “give me the money regardless of the law.” “Greedy” means “you won’t give me what I want, just because it’s yours, not mine.” So Occupyish…yet from Sweden.  Or, the DNC / Obama Administration for that matter  

Problem is, Obama wishes to put everyone on the Government teat

by Skip

You know, Grokster Tim is gonna give me SUCH a hard time over this image – time after time I have repeated my one inviolate rule for Groksters about strictures in posts (“Adult themes, kid friendly”) when he (deliberately, and with a smirk on his face – heh!) puts up something that pushes my buttons.  And while he claims some ulterior reason, I know he likes to push my prudish (in his eyes) buttons – and then all the other Groksters smile in that he’s giving me a hard time.  Again. So, it’s after the jump.

The cover of Time magazine is that of a Mom that believes in extended nursing – her three year old son is “latched on” and she defends her decision for delaying the  weaning process.  Fine.  Her decision and that is up to her an her family.  Our two sons were also breast fed but for a far less period of time than this “cover model” has already done.

Well, there are parallels in the political world and Rush has it dead nuts right – Obama believes that Govt is that Mom and we all are that kid.  The message is from Obama is that hanging onto Govt for your daily sustenance is a good thing:

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Internet Doodlings – Greenies want more, don’t like I’m pointing out we’re broke

by Skip

Congress, Please Don’t Cut Funding for Bike and Pedestrian Programs

In the U.S., cities and states provide most of the funds for bike and pedestrians developments, but the federal government also provides essential funds without which many very important projects wouldn’t have been possible. The previous transportation bill, which was signed into law in 2005 by a Republican Congress and Republican president, supported that vital infrastructure funding. But the current federal government isn’t so keen on creating alternatives to cars: “The Senate has passed a bill that by and large preserves the status quo, but the House of Representatives has tried to eliminate bike and pedestrian programs.”

Bucket Of Money


OK, back to TreeHugger for another go (no, I don’t make a general habit of commenting there but after a while, I get tired of seeing the “gimme hands” always out as if the Federal Government is just another name for Santa Claus or view it as a bottomless money pit simply ready for the bucket to go down and when it comes up, their pet project is funded.  Realization of the nations current fiscal status – pretty much either nil or determined obliviousness.

So, seeing yet another iteration of “get that free money for MY important project” gimme mentality, I could not help myself:

We’re $16 Trillion in the hole here, folks – when does the spending stop?  In reading this site, I keep seeing pleas to do with less – how about with less Federal spending.  If something is THAT important, why not persuade your local level of government to spring for these kinds of projects – after all, it benefits the local community.

And if they won’t, doesn’t that send a message?

Really, if something is that important to a local community, shouldn’t they be self-responsible for paying for their own needs (or wants)?  I have never understood the outlook of “hey, we want something – but let’s get somebody else to pay for it”.  Silly me; as I was growing up from childhood to adulthood, that had a name: selfishness.  But, this is today and that, seeming, was a more mature time.

Well, that was not well received by the Greenie Keynesians – after all, they can’t go green on their own dime, can they?

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