Just Another Load Of Bull from Buckley [updated 2.0]

The NH GOP had a convention Saturday to get all rah-rah and make decisions about the party platform.  They were hoping for at least 400 of the states 725 delegates but only 294 delegates made the event. That is not unusual but there are some who think it is in indicative of waning in enthusiasm. … Read more

Tax Cuts For The “Insert name here”

Don’t expect ShaHodeSheaPorter to wrestle with this conundrum; while running for office in 2008 they insisted that the Bush Tax cuts were "for the rich," or "the wealthiest Americans."  The class warfare rhetoric made the case that Republicans didn’t provide tax relief for anyone else, and the democrats promised to remedy this the moment they were elected.  The result was to embark on a multi-trillion dollar spending binge that cannot possibly be paid for without taxes on everyone and everything–though they still insist otherwise.

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Passing Thought

If Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell’s teenage brush with witchcraft had included human sacrifices (up to and including third trimester and born alive infants who somehow survived the sacrificial antics) would the left be remotely interested in this issue at all?  And Would EMILY’s list have to give her a campaign contribution? Just wondering.

The Real Racists

The Democrats are so desperate that they have decided that the best way to win is to call up residents and tell them that the local Republican candidates are racists.  Racism is not the only charge but we don’t need them because we can work with what we have. The standard rule when dealing with … Read more

Speaker Of The House

Photo Credit: Vote SmartGranite Grok has already endorsed Bill O’Brien for Speaker of the House, and you can see our video interview of Bill to get some idea of his priorities.  But since we happen to be here at the NHGOP convention we have the opportunity to find out what the other candidates for speaker deem as priorities for the next session.

I’ve grabbed some of their literature–everyone is in the convention at the moment–to get a taste of their priorities and one in particular caught my attention–and not in the most flattering way.  Susan Emerson’s hand out to the GOP delegates includes the following bullet points which I have taken to be so important to her in her quest to get the job that they have received this much prominence.

I would…like to continue establishing bipartisan relationships to work collectively on bills that will include the following.

-To provide equal opportunities for students.

-To provide access to adequate health care

-To create and promote tax relief incentives for businesses.

Given the wide range of damage done by liberals this is the best we can expect from Susan Emerson as Speaker of the House?  Given her otherwise impressive voting history, this is not impressive at all.

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“Republicans Against Parental Rights”

There’s no point in denying it.  If you are a republican for Lynch, you might as well just call yourself the ‘Republicans Against Parental Rights.’  It’s a hallmark of the Lynch legacy and one which cannot be properly corrected for as long as he sits in the Governor’s chair.  By supporting him you are stating … Read more

‘The Same Thing We Do Every Night Pinky…Try To Take Over The World”

The arrogance of the Carol Shea-Porter’s, heck all democrats for that matter, can be summed up in the liberal core belief–recently parroted by Paul Hodes–that we can’t afford to let people keep the money they earned because it will balloon the deficit.

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Hodespocrisy Flashback- Why I Call Him Paul “Sugar Daddy” Hodes

Photo Credit 'TopNews.in'A few months back I discovered that Paul Hodes had received a one time $10,000.00 donation from American Crystal Sugar (A major US Sugar conglomerate), at about the same time as the 288 billion dollar 2007/2008 Farm bill was being pushed through congress, and vetoes overrode.  US Sugar is a protected industry with a good amount of political influence.  American Crystal Sugar wanted to get into the ethanol industry but could not justify the up front costs.  Hodes and the farm billed solved that problem with your money. 

Here’s the original piece I wrote on the relationship.




Paul Hodes has a dirty little secret.  His ‘commitment’ to green energy has strings attached that lead directly to the sugar industry and a significant campaign cash “Thank You.” 

Back in 2007 and 2008 Congress waged an epic battle over the Farm Bill.  They didn’t call it the farm bill they called it the Food Nutrition and Bio-Energy Act.  What it was (or became) was a 288 billion dollar sop to the agriculture industry with a focus on approving billions into ethanol subsidies for the farm belt before the 2008 elections. 

To muddy up the real purpose the democrat majority in congress tossed in money for food stamps and school lunches so that any effort to kill it could be spun as evil Republicans starving the poor and denying underprivileged students a hot nutritious lunch.   When some republicans balked, the left jumped.  And when George Bush, who was still friendly to the idea of ethanol mandates, vetoed both the bill (HR 2419) and the supplement that added in some items left out of the original (HR 6124) the democrat majority House overturned both vetoes. (Both henceforth to be referred to simply as the “farm bill”) 

So Paul Hodes not only voted for the hand outs, he voted for them four times: twice to pass the original bills and twice to overturn the vetoes. Does that show commitment?  I think it does.

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Going After Boxer

30 second can of whoop-ass! ,/p> (H/T The Blaze.com)

Reid Wasn’t Looking To Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Yahoo! News has a morning headline titled "How Democrats Lost ‘Don’t Ask’ Repeal."  (You can read it here).  It focuses almost entirely on the "Don’t Ask" repeal provision and to some degree on the tactics that epitomize Ried’s Senate antics.  He takes a defense authorization bill, adds Don’t ask don’t tell, then stuffs amnesty for illegal immigrants into it, and then refuses to allow Republican amendments.

The article,  and most of those that I have seen on the subject, all focus on the failure to repeal "Don’t Ask" as if that were actually the point.  But this had nothing to with that. It was a tactical political media ploy.  Think about it.

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Will You Kneel Before The Government?

Kneel Before Zod!I was watching the online web cast of Hillsdale College’s commemoration of the Kirby Center (on Constitution Day) in Washington DC, and Dr. Charles Kessler of Claremont McKenna College.  Dr. Kessler is a constitutional scholar and early on in his speech he makes the following observation about the current clash between the government and the people, and the rise of the Tea Party

‘Either the government will have to kneel to the people….or the people will have to kneel to the government.’

We should think about that because Dr. Kessler is correct.



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Hey, Did He Learn This From Carol Seiu-Porter? Runaway!

Keeping with the promise of Obama and the congress for openness and transparency, Human Events (HE) brings us Donald Berwick.  Berwick is Mr. Obama’s recess appointment to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and according to Jason Mattera at HE he’s been less than accessible, refusing interviews and avoiding public comment in the three months since his ascension to the office, despite claims that he would address concerns that would have derailed any effort to get him there through the usual Senate confirmation process.

Derailed indeed.

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Medical Marijuana

Hodes Dogs of Hypocrisy

For 2010, before "discovering" that he was against earmarks in an election year, Paul Hodes, democrat congressman and candidate for the US Senate requested over 51,000,000.00 million in appropriations.  That earned him the distinction of being ranked the 45th highest earmarker in the entire House of Representatives for 2010. That’s 45 out of 435 in … Read more

Has Hodes Joined The Party Of No?

Have you noticed that Paul Hodes is running on the things he voted against?  It’s a very short list and represents less than a fraction of 1% of his votes, but wouldn’t that mean he’s running as the party of no? I thought no was bad.  In fact, for the past two years, "no" has … Read more

(D)i Fruscia Takes His Toys And Goes…

With any luck this will be the last time Tony (D)iFruscia leaves the republican party.  Kevin Landrigan reported yesterday that (D)iFrusica, who lost his seat in the primary last Tuesday has officially declared himself an independent.  Mr. (D)iFruscia–and oddly enough Harrel Kirkstein (spokesman for the New Hampshire democrat party) agree that this is another example … Read more

Mustache Love

Lyndon LaRouche democrats have been showing up at tea party events with the Obama Hilter-mustache signs and posters, and now we have Obama For America democrats–now Organizing For America–waving pictures of Republican candidates, or pundits like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin, with Hitler mustaches painted on them.

Do they have special markers for that at the DNC headquarters?

What is up with democrats and their obsession with Hitler? Methinks they doth protest to much.

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New Hampshire On The Potomac

Paul Hodes is trying desperately to change his image to that of a fiscal hawk and independent voice, but Paul has some monumental hurdles to get that line past the party base and into the general populace.  First, if he want’s anyone without Kool aid stained lips to buy into the fiscal song and dance … Read more

Tax Cuts To Stimulate The Economy

I guess the democrats “progressed” away from what works for the nation, to what works for the ruling class. H/T Big Government.com

Don’t Let Them Do This To You

Dr. Dean’s Rules For Democrats.   ; (H/T KimberlyAnn Schwab-Feighery – Facebook; Naked Emperor News and The Blaze)

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