The current Grand Solar Minimum is expected to last until about 2035, by which time the overall average temperature of the earth will likely have declined a few degrees. But wait, you say, Wasn’t it hot? In some spots, sure, but in others, it was cold, and the long-term averages will be lower (get into the weeds).
Grand Solar Minimum
Hiding the Decline – Global Temperature are Down 15% from 2016
NOAA and NASA report that 2021 was the 6th warmest year on record, but they left something out. It also represents a net loss of 15% in global temperature since 2016.
Was Last Winter a Warning?
This post is not about Windham, but if it helps, what it is about will affect that small New Hampshire Town and the hemisphere. As our readers know, we entered a Grand Solar Minimum (even NASA agrees) that is expected to last a good while.
14,600 Years Ago Prehistoric SUV’s Melted Ice Sheets Causing 60 Feet of Sea Level Rise
14,600 years ago (give or take), the ice sheets melted, and the seas rose. These would be the land-locked ice sheets that rapidly retreated after the first warming period of the last de-glaciation (the Bolling period or Bølling-Allerød Warming).
Welcome to Solar Cycle 25 – Has a Grand Solar Minimum Arrived? (Hint: Yes!)
Solar Cycle 25 has begun, and the predictions of a Grand Solar Minimum remain unchallenged by actual evidence. What that might mean is subject to some debate but only by people who make living hawking “the unstoppable man-made warming” nonsense.