Was Last Winter a Warning?

Steve MacDonald

This post is not about Windham, but if it helps, what it is about will affect that small New Hampshire Town and the hemisphere. As our readers know, we entered a Grand Solar Minimum (even NASA agrees) that is expected to last a good while.

What might that look like, and have we just seen a taste of it?

That was the coldest part of every year, colder than ever for much of the US, but you would be right to be skeptical that this particular series of events might be some freak thing. Besides, the experts carrying the Climate Cult’s frozen water will remind us, warming causes cooling.

Related:  Moles to Punish Climate Deniers by Destroying Stonehenge

Well, of course, it does. But less warming causes more. A lot more, and last winter was a harsh winter across the globe. This is about the globe, after all.


The latest data point from the Finnish Meteorology Institute’s (FMI’s) “Total snow mass for Northern Hemisphere” chart has been plotted, and it reveals pow-pow across the hemisphere as a whole –excluding the mountains– is riding at some 700 Gigatons above the 1982-2012 average.


I’m not going to beat this horse here because others have done it for us.


Reporting even more global cooling as measured by satellites and new harsh cold events, particularly in Western Europe that have severely harmed early crops. … Harsh cold events have also struck China, Russia, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North America and Australia.


It was milder in the Northeast, but that’s not the globe is it. The year 2020 was the predicted beginning of the minimum trend. The results from the first winter hint at what is to come. All while cultists block every effort to build natural gas infrastructure into the Northeast, and Whoever is Running the Biden Administration is talking about taking cheap, abundant energy offline and replacing it with wind and solar.

Three points.

How did renewables work out for Texas last February? Millions almost froze to death.

China, one of the global leaders in wind and solar manufacture, says it is too unreliable and unstable for a growing economy – they are building coal-powered plants and opening new ones almost every week – and do not intend to stop.

We’ve been talking about the impending cooling and this solar minimum for at least the last six years while they’ve been changing their consensus to make their irrefutable hypothesis fit reality.

Well, the reality is here. Did you buy a wood stove yet? You’re going to need it.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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