Hiding the Decline – Global Temperature are Down 15% from 2016

NOAA and NASA report that 2021 was the 6th warmest year on record, but they left something out. It also represents a net loss of 15% in global temperature since 2016.


OAA’s annual highest global temperature anomaly measurement is year-end 2016 which is now shown as 0.99 degrees C (second highest year is 2020 at 0.98 degrees C) compared to its year-end 2021 annual anomaly measurement of 0.84 degrees C with a +/-0.15 degrees C confidence level. This year end 2021 global temperature anomaly measurement decline amounts to a 15% global temperature anomaly measurement collapse since peak year 2016.


Since 2016, the global temperature, still likely to have been massaged by NOAA, has been going down.

It’s The Sun Stupid

In 2019 NASA admitted that we’d just ended a Grand Solar Maximum, which – combined with natural forces like El Nino explains 2016 being as warm as it was, even without any fudging. But if CO2 is driving climate, then the 2018/2019 El Nino should have been warmer, but it was not. And the global temperature peaks for all years (using NOAA’s Data) have formed a distinctive downward trend.

The 6th hottest year, trailing from a solar maximum into a solar minimum, won’t hold the honor when the next El Nino comes along, but the next La Nina will likely be even cooler.

The sun )again, for the cheap seats) has a lot more to say about the earth’s temperature than grant-hungry, money-laundering special interest groups or climateers and their fashionable computer models.

Another problem for the warmists is that for nearly 40 years and trillions of dollars wasted on climate plans within plans, CO has continued to rise.

CO2 rise with climate agreements imposed

Firstly, there’s not a damn thing the Western nations sacrificing their people and their economies on the alter of the Climate Cult can do about it. That growth comes from places like Africa, India, Russia, and China. And they have no plans to tap the breaks. It’s full speed toward the second or first world – ahead!

Shutting down the entire economy wouldn’t slow the rise, so stop that, which with Biden as president, America is about to discover.

Secondly, the steady rise confounds their climate models and the notion that a) CO2 is driving warming, b) they can do something about it, and c) that “the something” has or will have any effect.

If by “effect” you mean diverting trillions of dollars in other people’s money from productive to unproductive uses, then congratulations, you’ve had enormous success. If you mean having an impact on the planet’s temperature, sorry – you’re batting .000 right alongside the success rate of your cataclysmic prognostications.

Nature continues to do what it does. The planets move around the sun, which changes the climate on earth. And no amount of Marxism will change that, no matter what you call it.


NOAA and NASA are notorious for fudging. They call them adjustments, but they all favor one side of the plan for predictable reasons. The one that gets them more funding and headlines. So, the 2016 to 2021 decline is a problem, and it’s a big problem. “Actual global temperature anomaly measurements by NOAA, NASA, UK Met Office, UAH and RSS all show downward anomaly trends.” You can’t just undo that. Too many people have seen it.

What to do, what to do?

You know, this might be a good time for another round of hiding the decline emails.



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