The bill to repeal New Hampshire’s conversion therapy ban for minors, HB1077, had a public hearing on February 15 at the NH House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee.
NCAA – Yeah, About That #Woke State Boycott Thing – Ummm…Never Mind.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is #woke. They like to give young men awards in girls sporting events. You know, the best female athlete (has testicles but is a girl ‘cuz reasons).
“Pillow Fight” is the next Politically Incorrect phrase you can’t say. Just ask GLAAD!
That’s right! From the sector of society that is in perpetual outrage and making stuff up (“…an infinite number of pronouns…“) comes word that the childrens game (and some adults) of pillow fight should never be used. EVAH! It’s demeaning, it’s WAAAY offensive. Just ask GLAAD – the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Sidenote: … Read more
Shooting in DC – Lefty Media in No Particular Rush to Cover It.
Floyd Corkins II, of Hendron Virgina, walked in to the Family Rights Council offices in Washington DC and proceeded to shoot a security guard before the same guard subdued him (some reports say with help), preventing him from getting past the lobby of the building.
Corkins “had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people,” according to AP and CBS news. He is also reported to have shouted disagreements with the work the Christian group does before opening fire.
To their credit, Glaad, representing several gay rights groups, quickly released a statement condemning the shooting. The shooter is in custody, and no one was seriously injured in the incident, so the bigger story is the lack of wall to wall media coverage of a shooting in the heart of Washington DC.
GrokTV Event: Cornerstone Action presents Dr. Jennifer Morse on Traditional Marriage for NH Part 1 & 2
This past Monday night, Cornerstone Action held a lecture at St. Anselm College’s Institute of Politics that featured Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute (“Making Marriage Cool”). The title of her talk was “Making the case for Traditional Marriage for New Hampshire“. A crowd of about 150 people filled just about every seat in the auditorium and she gave them their money’s worth with a long and idea filled discussion of the benefits to traditional marriage vs homosexual marriage.
This is Part 1 of her talk:
By the way, it seems that GLAAD thinks that she is a VERY dangerous person (among a bunch of other conservative / traditional marriage supporters) and is now trying to shut her down.
Part 2 is after the jump: