MVCS Girls Stand Goes Viral On Twitter

Twitter may not be for everyone. At its core, it is a platform made for short tempers, short ideas, and short language. On a good day, it is full of tribalism with black-and-white narratives and political pontificating. At its worst?

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Males don't belong in girls sports

Urgent: Save women’s sports in New Hampshire


On Tuesday, January 14, in Concord, there will be a hearing on HB 1251, a bill to prohibit schools from permitting a male student to participate in a student sport designated for females. Currently, because of bill SB 263, signed into law by Gov. Sununu in July 2019, any male student that identifies as a female can compete in female-designated school sports.

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Data Point – “For every 100 girls / women…”

by Skip

It has now been a couple of decades that girls have been “boosted” in all areas of life.  Yes, there were problems, especially in schools and athletics (e.g., Title IX, which Progressives are now trying to evicerate via their latest pet project, “Transgenderism” in which biological boys are being applauded in their Transjacking of girls … Read more

pride flag

The ‘Pride Flag’ is Now a Symbol of Oppression

It’s ‘Pride Month.’ This is the month that the LGBTQ (and whatever else they’ve decided to add) Community celebrates their pride for being part of the community and celebrates no longer being ‘oppressed’ because of their sexual orientation or choices. I’ve never taken issue with this, I agree that this community was oppressed for years … Read more

Wimminz “Rights”

Just Sayin‘… A teenage girl drew upon gun training from her late father to fatally shoot an abusive boyfriend who was strangling her mother earlier this month in North Carolina, a prosecutor said Friday. … He was shot twice and killed by his girlfriend’s 15-year-old daughter after he attacked the woman and threatened to kill … Read more

“Honor Your Oath” rally at the State House in Concord, NH

by Skip

Yesterday in at State Capital Building, the Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC (GSPLPAC) held its “Honor Your Oath” rally.  It was meant to reawaken the understanding that when those in military, those in law enforcement, and those elected officials, that the words they stay in taking the Oath that they did, they swore an Oath … Read more

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