MVCS Girls Stand Goes Viral On Twitter

Twitter may not be for everyone. At its core, it is a platform made for short tempers, short ideas, and short language. On a good day, it is full of tribalism with black-and-white narratives and political pontificating. At its worst?

It is a morass of human cesspool-level dialogue and videos exposing people at their lowest.  Like a theme park full of real-time car accidents, the ride is made for gawking at the wreckage. In order to get in, you don’t have to be tall enough, it prefers you remain short.

This is why the MVCS Girls’ story (of taking a principled stand against enabling insanity) going viral on Twitter was so uniquely special.

Despite its rhetorical flaws, the social media app is a measuring stick of cultural opinions for the latest controversies.  Thanks to Twitter, the MVCS girl’s story was shared by an account titled “,” which is followed by a world-famous psychologist, NY Times best-selling author, and culture commentator Dr. Jordan Peterson. Known more for verbosity, Dr. Peterson re-tweeted the story to his 3.7 million followers, stating simply, “It’s about time,” and within 24 hours, the story reached over 1 million views.

The tiny school in Quechee was being lauded around the globe as fast as it spun on its axis.

As the attention grew and the comments rolled in, the support was overwhelmingly in favor of the Eagle’s stand for girls/women’s sports to remain free from male athletes identifying as girls/women participating at the expense of the fairer sex’s safety. Here are a few:

  • Solveig283 @solveig283 “Brave. Especially in New England.”
  • Gary Cook @orak100 “Finally. People brave enough to say no.  I salute you.”
  • Abbie M @AbbieM16 “This is the way! All teams should follow suit to protect their girls.”
  • Bighats @bighats61 “Well done, we’ve got to stand up to these woke bully’s.  Good luck!”

As of this morning, the tweet has 1.2 million views, 7,941 likes, 1,325 re-tweets, and 220 comments. Our Vermont Daily Chronicle article, which broke the story, also shared by, has been seen 18.3K times, liked by 277 accounts, and re-tweed 32 times.

The story since has been picked up by the Daily Wire, the Daily Caller, the Daily Signal in the UK, Sportskeeda, the Blaze’s Glenn Beck podcast, and a variety of other online personalities.  Virtually all of those commenting or covering the story support the school’s decision.

A call to help out the small school with donations to bless their courage has been made by many if you’d care to throw your weight behind these big-time little women.  You can make donations via their website:

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