1984 Thought crimes

“Those who erase history have no past – and no future.”

by Skip

Over at Weekend Pundit, DCE has a proper observation of the NOW in politics (emphasis mine): Seeing the increasing attack upon history by overly-sensitive know-nothings, I am dismayed at the level of ignorance being displayed by those wishing to erase history. They have been convinced that 17th, 18th, 19th, and early/mid 20th century historical figures must be … Read more

Winning in Trump’s Economy.

Winning in Trump’s Economy

Who is winning in Trump’s economy? In his State of the Union address the President rolled out an eye-catching statistic.  He said the wealth held by the poorest half of American households increased three times as fast as the wealth held by the “1%” under his administration.  Wealth means net worth.  This is true according … Read more

Bad Tax Policy Causes Population Decline

Bad tax policy causes population decline. Don’t believe it look no further than Vermont. Vermont continued to lose population in 2019 which is not surprising. This population information comes from the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimates of each state’s population. On July 1, Vermont had 623,989 residents, 400 fewer than a year earlier and 1,800 … Read more

which side are you on

Which Side Are You On

Asking which side are you on is happening with greater frequency? Marco Rubio gave a speech at the Catholic University of America in early November. He made the case for a “common good capitalism” that looks on markets in the light of Catholic social thought. “We must remember that our nation does not exist to … Read more

Chris Pappas What Have You Done?

Congressman Chris Pappas, What Have You Done?

Most of us back home have come to see the federal government as dysfunctional. More than a few of us have used the word abusive in talking about the government? Congress is utterly unable to balance the budget. In fact, we have not actually had a budget for 23 years. And Chris Pappas is part of that failure.

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The Left – Muslim Axis Ends One Way

How much do you love Political Correctness? There is nothing the modern Left doesn’t know. Just ask them. The proud, pious zealots of the Leftist movement have everything under control. Don’t believe that? Try telling them they’re wrong… about anything… for any reason. Sometimes your enemies tell you what your friends will not. They use … Read more

Government Spending Reform

The issue Higher taxes are not the solution to our out-of-control spending. Taxes are over $3 trillion this year. Our deficit will be over $1 trillion. Raising all taxes by one third only allows us to balance the budget. How ugly is that? It would not allow us to put a dent in our debt. … Read more

All Lives Matter

Do Good Dems Have to Pass a Color Litmus Test?

What happened to the executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)? Well, it is now more appropriate to say former DCCC executive director. Allison Jaslow was forced to resign from her position Monday, because she’s white. Who is Allison Jaslow? Jaslow is an Iraq War veteran. She attended an all staff meeting on … Read more

Why Does That Make Sense?

President Trump spoke at the Teen Student Action Summit. In doing so he shows his commitment to the youth of America. Trump made an appearance at the four-day conference for high school conservatives. The gathering was organized by Turning Point USA. The organizer, Charlie Kirk, said in a video posted to twitter, “We have people … Read more

Just Say No to The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019

The President and congressional leaders have announced a recent spending deal. If acted upon we will see trillion dollar deficits until further notice. Can you say brain dead? This agreement has nothing to do with budgeting. Call it what it is. It is a spending authorization agreement. The deal… The deal called the Bipartisan Budget … Read more

Objecting to your own principles

American Federal Character

Americans should contemplate the under appreciated federal aspect of independence. We obsess about the size and strength of the national government. But it was our ancestors’ desire to govern themselves. They contemplated doing it in legislative bodies much closer than the British Parliament. That brought about the Declaration of Independence. How we got here… Have we … Read more

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