NH State Rep Glen Aldrich

Who Let Them Run Our Elections?

When was it? I’d like to know. When did the populous decide that the beliefs of one side of a political spectrum became the “science.” In what universe did the Democrats become the arbiter of what should be considered reasonable?

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FSP Free State Project Logo

Free Staters Cannot Be Lumped Together in One Category

Regarding the recent letter by Rep. Mike Bordes: Oh, come on, Mike! Libertarians represent more like what the Republican Party used to be back in the day than the current real RINOS who don’t stand for freedom and fiscal responsibility and our state and country constitutions.

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He’s Not Wrong, You Know: Ian Freeman

Let’s be clear from the outset: while I can be friendly with Ian, I hate his stances.  I know that GraniteGrok is the most favorable of all NH media to the Free State Project (another notch as to why uber-Progressive/Socialist Zandra Rice-Hawkins detests me and the ‘Grok – I’ll take it!) on the duo purposes … Read more

Progressive State Project - Find Your Forever Home

Announcing “The Progressive State Project” – Find ‘Your’ Forever Home

New Hampshire progressives have been complaining recently (and loudly) about all the successful “liberty” initiatives in New Hampshire. The problem, as they see it, is that New Hampshire has taken a hard turn right!

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Laconia NH Mayor Hosmer

Laconia Mayor Hosmer cavorting with the highly Progressive Kent Street Coalition? Non-Partisan, is he? Ha!

I found the Tuesday editorial here in the Daily Sun regarding the upcoming “series of special events designed to bring the community together” featuring, among others, Mayor Hosmer, to be quite rich.

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Porcfest 2021 screen grab

Come Make History with Thousands of Free Staters!

For over a year, governments all over the world have been standing in the way of free people in unprecedented ways. As a libertarian, it’s felt quite lonely at times, hasn’t it? Well, let me lift you up with some good news that will help you feel less isolated. In New Hampshire, liberty activists have been working hard and pushing back with over 40 bills to curb the government’s power.

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Constitutional Convention

Independence Day – Observed

We just passed July 4th, what most people the world over consider American Independence Day. (That’s independence from the British Crown, for those currently in public school.)

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Kaleb Jacob

Hate and Intolerance in New Boston

What I saw last Thursday was a lesson in hate and intolerance of people in their community that have different ideas. As I said when I spoke, I am not a Free Stater, but I know what it’s like to live in a state where my wife and I finally said: “We have to get out of here.”

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NH Union Leader

Union Leader takes Aim at Free Staters

The Manchester Police Department is not a fan of the Free State Project, and has not kept it a secret. More often than not, the Free Staters have been known to ‘best’ the MPD in Court for violation of their rights. MPD now asks all applicants “are you now, or have you ever been a … Read more

Forms of government

Anarchists and Leftists Share a Common Blind Spot – Ignoring Human Nature

This is not the first time I’ve broached this topic and baby it won’t be the last. And not just because I live in the Free State of New Hampshire. The one the Free State Project anointed for the Libertarian invasion. The movement to encourage Americans to pack up and emigrate to the Granite State. At least a … Read more

The Best and Worst Things New Hampshire Could Import

by Rodger Paxton Of all the things New Hampshire could import – oil, clothing, pug slippers for your pug – perhaps the two that will have the most long-term impact on our state would be ideas and people. If you’re like me, you can feel our state is at a crossroads – a radical turn … Read more

The World’s Red Tide and How to Keep It Out of New Hampshire

BY Rodger Paxton Even though some research studies make you say “We knew that already!”, our side can use them as indisputable evidence against the horrors of big government. Living under communism makes countries poorer and less healthy for decades, according to a recent landmark study. Researchers testing historical connections between cultures found that whether a … Read more

The Free State Project in New Hampshire: Eager beavers fight it out with eager socialists…

The quote above should read “Oh No! Freestaters!” Heh…

State Rep. Cynthia Chase made herself famous not that long ago when she wrote “In the opinion of this Democrat, Free Staters are the single biggest threat” to achieving socialism in New Hampshire. Well…she didn’t actually say “achieving socialism.” I just added that to make her thought process clearer (after all, she’s a recent import from Rhode Island). But as each day goes by, it appears her problems with diversity in New Hampshire seem to be increasing. This report comes from Fox News yesterday:

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Robin Hoods vs. Parking Enforcement Officers!

EEEK!!! Free State Project Parking meter coins!
EEEK!!! FSP parking meter coins!!!

Robin Hoods win.

Heh: The Free State Project’s “Keeniacs” are at it again. It seems that a bunch of libertarians down in Keene have become modern-day Robin Hoods. They roam Keene searching for cars where parking meters are about to expire…and then pop in some more coins. Great fun! (And, not incidentally, less money for the state/county/town or whatever level of government sucks up the parking ticket dough…which is a good thing. They also…

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A new Free State Project video explains all….

Send this around to all your friends: The following video is about the Free State Project, a movement filled with good people who will eventually move to New Hampshire. It also features an underlying theme of…

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“With resistance like that” in Grafton….

500 feet to late if your are living the New Hampshire lifestyle
Democrats are working to make NH more like their favorite state….

I blogged about the latest brouhaha (and threatened lawsuit) in the Free Town of Grafton yesterday; the fight was caused by hubris and abuse of local power in my small hometown. So in the last 24 hours people have been asking me “Why are they acting like that?”

I told ’em to re-read the posting.

So today I get an email from my libertarian buddy “AJ,” who just read the blog post. He said it should be made into a movie…starring “Bill Murray as Tim Condon, Bruce Willis as Stephen Darrow, directed by Steven Spielberg!” Then he said…

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Condon goes on a rant against a Regressive….

Tim Condon: “Doesn’t like Regressives”

I just had an exchange with a so-called “progressive” today who wrote some nasty things in a blog about me and the Free State Project.

I responded to the regressive (the true nature of “progressives”), and…I admit it…I went on a rant.

Felt good. Here’s what the regressive said; and then what I said in response:

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Speaking of Second Amendment attorney and Free State Project participant Evan Nappen…

…who saved a New Jersey family in the middle of an illegal police and “social services” home invasion in New Jersey, you can read more about what occurred HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE (it’s gone national, and viral). We all owe deep thanks to 2nd Amendment attorney Nappen,  and to the Free State Project that … Read more

Calvin Coolidge Comes to Grafton, Part I

The Town Seal of Grafton, NH
To spend more, or not to spend more? That was the question in the town of Grafton

Calvin Coolidge, President from 1923 through 1928, was a famous skinflint from Vermont. He didn’t believe in today’s political-class sport of incessant taxing and spending to win elections (Grokster Steve MacDonald has recently highlighted this excellent president HERE). Coolidge was so adept at refusing the pigs at the political trough in his time that he insisted that “government employees were issued one pencil at a time, and the government purchased lighter, less expensive paper. The Weather Bureau stopped sending out postcard forecasts, since citizens now turned to their newspapers for that information; the post office made bags with new, cheaper material, and government-wide red tape was replaced with simple white string.” (This and much more is in a book review online at the City Journal about Amity Shlaes’ new biography entitled, simply, Coolidge.)

What does all this have to do with political piggery and push-back from small-government activists in the small town of Grafton, New Hampshire? I’ll tell you….

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A Visit With Madame Curie

Liberty Harbor Academy Presents… A Visit with Madame Curie by Susan Marie Frontczak, Storysmith Tuesday, April 2 – 6:00-7:00 PM Liberty Harbor Academy, 1230 Elm St. Manchester, NH Marie Curie is best know for the discovery of radium and radioactivity but few understand the obstacles  she faced just to get into the laboratory. From the … Read more

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