Banana’s: Pride Month To Expand To Seven-Deadly Season

Capitalizing on the smashing success of another month of pride the crypto-fascists at Black Rock have excitedly announced they will be sponsoring Greed Month this coming December.  With the heavily commercialized holiday season (formerly Christmas) now a staple for churning out fiscal butter for the acquisition class the big players on Wall Street are certain they have a winner.

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moochers electing looters to steal from producers

Notable Quote – Because Nothing Says Envy Like Socialism

Most Socialists are unhappy with their status in life and have resorted to blaming everyone else. ESPECIALLY those richer than themselves. Especially so when they finally figure out (and that’s not a given) that making other decisions throughout their lives would have been more optimal.

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The Shroud of Socialism

The shroud of socialism won’t be lifted with Bernie’s defeat


Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on one thing:  Bernie Sanders cannot defeat President Trump in the general election.  While his raucous crowds and early campaign victories suggest widespread support, a recent Gallup poll confirms that 53 percent of Americans surveyed would not vote for a socialist presidential candidate.

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Churchill Socialism

You Don’t Want What Socialism Promises

by Joseph Mendola  | As I drive to work each day, I sometimes see bumper stickers that say “Feel the Bern” – and then I wonder what people think about the consequences of socialism. Socialism is a system of economic policy that says that government is a better allocator of a nation’s resources than the … Read more

Inequality is a Good Thing

Justice is an important concept. In all societies it is good from time to time to make an assessment of the justice system. To do that a determination of what has worked and what has not with respect to justice is required. A consensus must be reached on two points before beginning an assessment: The … Read more

Qualifications to Head DCCC

Social Justice or Socially Just Us

Justice… Don’t we all work in our own ways to promote justice? But what exactly is justice? The classical definition is the will to render to a person what is due him. That seems pretty simple, pretty obvious. Social Justice… So what is social justice? To those using the term it seems to mean something … Read more

Vermonter: NH Doesn’t Deserve the First in The Nation Primary

Jeff Danziger, in an opinion piece for the Fall River Herald News, says as a Vermonter, he knows New Hampshire doesn’t deserve the first in the nation primary. I’ve had plenty to say about the distinction. I’m not sure we deserve it either. The way it warps the party politics and puts an emphasis on … Read more

Redistribution: Helping the Poor

Why do Redistribution? A substantial amount of redistribution goes to the average Americans rather than the poor. Government redistribution programs are generally ineffective ways to provide benefits to the poor. They are designed to produce political support for the interest groups receiving the benefits from the programs. Think about Planned Parenthood. How does redistribution work? … Read more

Notable Quote – Professor Don Boudreaux

Richard Ammerman, a registered nurse in Rhode Island, challenges me by e-mail to answer “yes or no” to the question: Do I care about income inequality? No. I do not in the least care about income (or wealth) inequality. I suspect that some of my bleeding-heart-libertarian friends will berate me for being insensitive, so it … Read more


Here's a whole book on the subject....

Now that the New Hampshire primaries are over, and the opposing sides have shaken out, I have a couple or three observations about the Democratic Party and the people in it.

After watching their Presidential campaign ads, watching much of their national convention, and studying the faces and words of those people, I have to say that these people are not the Democrats of yesterday….

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