I voted sticker question marks

Night Cap: 50 Shades of Sen. Gray Cui Bono – Who Benefits?

It is amazing to me that at the same time the “Me Too Movement” was at its height, The Book 50 Shades of Gray, about a sociopathic power-driven millionaire abusing a willing female participant, was a best seller! Could this same dichotomy be in play between the legislative power brokers and the citizens of NH?

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Vote, ballot, ballot box

One Thing You Can’t Count On: Your NH Vote Being Counted

For a long time now, the political leaders in this country have been trying to create a paradigm shift by removing the power from the people to make decisions and placing it nearly exclusively into their own hands. These are abuses of power that have for too long gone unchallenged by an apathetic and resigned citizenry.

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‘Spanking’ Encourages Obedience

After reading an account of a 1948 primary election that detailed a probability of criminality, which apparently continues to be relied upon, I am reminded of more youthful times when parents, after learning of or witnessing bad behavior, would correct their children with a spanking.

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Elections and Fraud – The Proactive Monitoring & Cleanup of Voter Rolls

After the 2020 election, I saw an article online about speeding up processing by 1000 to 1 million times faster – written by Jay Valentine and his Fractal Programming team. I work with technology, and after investigating it more, I learned that Jay was involved in using Fractal technology to start cleaning up voter rolls as he was disappointed in the 2020 results.

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Making fun of AFP Action ‘cuz They Make it So Easy

Americans for Prosperity (AFP Action) does a lot of good stuff, but as I’ve noted previously, they’ve climbed on the anti-Trump train this season. The message they think they are sending is this. If Trump is the nominee, Democrats will be activated, and that will hurt everyone up and down the ticket.

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The NH Supreme Court has taken my election law case for review. I just filed my Sur-reply to the State’s Brief. Oral arguments are next. The new SCOTUS decision from June 27, 2023, in Moore v. Harper (N.C. redistricting case) will now be tested in NH Highest Court. See attached copy of my Sur-reply why I believe this new case law will affect my case and ensure a positive outcome.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Where are the Absentee Voter Affidavits?

Where are the Absentee Voter Affidavits required by New Hampshire Law, codified in statute RSA 659:30? The current N.H. voting statute RSA 659:30 establishes that affidavits required by election statutes must be sworn before any person authorized by law to administer an oath.

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Surrendering is Not an Option!

Making up lies, and creditable lies is difficult. Besides, no one is smart enough to remember all the lies they tell and then end up giving themselves away. But, when you speak the truth you don’t have to remember anything.

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