Making fun of AFP Action ‘cuz They Make it So Easy

Steve MacDonald

Americans for Prosperity (AFP Action) does a lot of good stuff, but as I’ve noted previously, they’ve climbed on the anti-Trump train this season. The message they think they are sending is this. If Trump is the nominee, Democrats will be activated, and that will hurt everyone up and down the ticket.

The latest glossy mailer says Democrats will be energized, [and] Independents will be turned off.

This assumes that any of that actually matters, which, as I’ve also noted, silly rabbit, is absent election reforms (of which we’ve had little to none); every election is 2020. The votes keep coming until the Democrat wins, and that’s every race, everywhere, all the time. Objections will be branded as election denial, blah, blah, you know, the drill.

I’ve made this point before, you say, so why dig up this dead horse? So you can kick it again? Yes, but with a new pair of boots.

Inspiration or observation can be capricious, and today, as I smirked at the newest installment of anyone but Trump theater, I had a new thought. I get their message, but sometimes it says more than you mean, for example. Independents will be more turned off by the prospect of a combative commander and chief who, whatever else you may think or say, oversaw one of the best American economies in recent memory.

AFP is big on kitchen table issues. The Democrat/Biden economy is a stanky sh!t hole. If Republicans can’t use that to win office, they don’t deserve to win (putting aside previous observations about cheating Dems and their 24/7 homonculi media marketing team). Everything costs a lot more, and the border – an issue that got Trump elected in 2016, is exponentially worse under Biden /(Obama 3.0) than Obama/Obama 1.0/2.0.

Biden is a terrible candidate, and I agree with Grokster Rob Roper that Stumbin’ Joe will be escorted off the political stage (for “medical” reasons) after he is nominated at the DNC Klan Bake and replaced with a young Marxist stud-like Governor Gavin Newsom, whom no one but the left finds dreamy. California is a regulatory hellhole that will exacerbate Biden’s stanky economic Sh!t hole albatross.

Democrat victory will require cheating, and it hardly matters who the Republicans nominate, which brings me to my other observation. AFP is saying, without meaning to, that no one else running from the right is worth the Democrat’s time or attention. Disregarding the insult to every candidate but Trump, why would a Republican or an Independent, faced with the current state of America, want a guy in the Oval Office that Democrats don’t fear?

And given a few more years, the Left will have either collapsed the economy or gotten the civil war they are after, and there won’t be much left to worry about except where to find food and more ammunition (open-border Chinese and Islamic infiltrators will probably have some if you’re looking.)

It’s ugly out there. And I’d be willing to support any nominee to prevent Joe Biden’s replacement from winning because I can still get Republicans to at least listen without threatening to silence me, imprison me, or bankrupt me.  I should note that a few did try to get me fired a decade or so back, but I’ve not heard from them since they failed, and here I am. The point is that APF Action makes me think that they think Americans are that stupid, and perhaps they do. They’ve been mailing these flyers out all summer, and Trump’s polling is better and his opponents worse.


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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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