Kimberly Rice

“Glaring Double Standard for Republican Women”

THE GLARING double standard for Republican women is back again, this time in the form of New Hampshire Democrats’ demeaning response to New York Rep. Elise Stefanik’s endorsement of Matt Mowers in the First Congressional District Republican primary.

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Pointless Passion for a Porn Star

Ever since the last presidential election, Democrats have obsessed over the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. For months, they’ve pontificated about some international conspiracy and its damage to our election process. Now that it’s becoming increasingly clear that such a conspiracy never existed, they’ve shifted their attention to President Trump’s character.

In recent weeks, they’ve been focusing on a supposed encounter between Trump and a porn star occurring several years ago. Even more tantalizing for them is a wholly unsubstantiated incident five years ago involving two prostitutes, which was reported in the infamous Steele dossier.

Fired FBI Director, James Comey, is even speculating on the veracity of the dossier, even though he had previously testified that it was never substantiated. Facing his own credibility problems, and free to say whatever pops into his mind, he now echoes the liberal narrative that President Trump is morally unfit for office.

But what do Comey and Democrats consider morally fit?

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So, how come Gay Activist and Bullier Dan Savage gets to use the phrase “House Faggots” in describing Gay Republicans?

by Skip

And straight Conservatives can’t?   Dan Savage, known for his efforts in the LGBT anti-bullying industry, has no problem bullying those he disagrees with.  However, his true hate shown brightly when “other gays” got a bit “uppity” from his perspective; from NewsBusters (emphasis mine): The blogosphere is abuzz today after anti-conservative bully and gay activist Dan … Read more

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