Because there is nothing more pressing for Democrats to do in the US House, they are opening another investigation. Who pressured NOAA to back the President on whether Hurricane Dorian was headed toward Alabama?
Another victim of the Clintons??
They keep saying that this meme isn’t true, but why haven’t the Clintons disappeared yet? (H/T: Powerline)
CNN, Dorian, and Alabama: Media v Trump
In the void left by the absence of nearly non-stop collusion-coverage (is collusion even a real word?) Da’ Media has time to fill. Into that hole, they dropped this bomb. Trump showed the Hurricane heading to Alabama. What a dope. Not so, fast.
Now That Dorian is Only CAT 3 are We Talking About the Burning Amazon Again?
The media crisis narrative is on a climate swivel. For days all we heard about were cataclysmic fires in the Amazon that were nothing special. When Dorian showed up the Amazon “problem” disappeared. I’m serious. The best search results were several days old.
Links for International News of the Day
We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. Iran: Trump admin sanctions Iranian space program for covering nuclear weapons work. Free Beacon Iran building new classified military base in Syria: intelligence sources. Fox News Rouhani … Read more
Links for International News of the Day
We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. Afghanistan To start Afghan withdrawal, U.S. would pull 5,400 troops in 135 days. New York Times. A blast hit Kabul after the briefing on U.S.-Taliban deal to … Read more
Does a Hurricane Dorian Change Long Term Trends in Florida? No. [Update- No Florida Landfall]]
First things first. A storm like this is an impressive natural display. There will be significant damage. But we must also remember that in 1900, when we started having reliable data, 1700 people lived in Miami. Today it is 2.7 Million. And all their stuff.