Tucker Carlson - Twitter news update screen grab

What the Tuck? Word War III

Upon hearing Fox News Network was “parting ways” with Tucker Carlson, the shock was sudden but the surprise was short-lived.  We are living in a day and time when virtually every sacred cow in America and the institutions they represent are being thoroughly savaged. 

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Years of Twisting the Truth Has Transformed CNN

CNN was revolutionary when it was turned on by Ted Turner in 1980. It was the television channel to provide 24-hour news coverage and the first all-news television channel in the United States. Initially, CNN was respected as a go-to news source in America and Internationally.

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Democrat Double-Standard … RACIST for thee, but not for we.

This tweet, since deleted: Which led to these: What none of these DemocRATS mention is that Baldasaro was essentially repeating what CNN’s Don Lemon said back in July, as I noted in response to many of these tweets: You can link to Lemon saying that Kamala Harris is NOT an African-American from my tweet above. … Read more

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