Master Level Trolling: How to Push That Slavery Reparations Narrative Right Back in Their Face - Granite Grok

Master Level Trolling: How to Push That Slavery Reparations Narrative Right Back in Their Face

Don Lemon Hillary Fordwich royal wealth and slavery Reparations

Slavery reparations, like most topics of conversation that begin from the left, have nothing to do with reimbursing someone for a past ill. Remember, if it doesn’t destroy an institution or accumulated party wealth or power, Democrats have no use for it.

As for slavery, Democrats tried to keep it going as long as possible and – I’ve often argued – keep people of color as vote-slaves trapped on crime-riddled urban plantations with failed schools and little hope for escape. It is their education policy that creates failed schools, their drug policy that makes addicts and overdoses, their crime policy that exacerbates violence against people and property, and the social policy that keeps families fatherless and on the government dole.

If anyone should be paying reparation, it is Democrat politicians, white and black. Instead, they reinvent history to blame others. They then use extortion (Racist!) to get someone else to pay a bill that belonged to them hundreds of years ago and still does today – if reparation were a legitimate issue.

After all, who hasn’t been wronged, and where’s their pound of flesh?

Reparations and QE II’s Funeral

The progs never want to miss an opportunity to spin their angle. In today’s example, Don “I’ve been demoted to daytime” Lemon, using the assumption of increased reach created by the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, asks royal commentator Hilary Fordwich about slavery reparations given all this royal wealth (and the current economic struggles) and gets his ass and his narrative handed to him!


A local copy of this video is available here.

To borrow from the Guniess guys, Brilliant! GO after the descendants of those African kings, and hey, what about reimbursing the families of those who died trying to end slavery?

And, to add an uncouth American spin. “F**k you, Don Lemon, and the Limo you rode into work on …” with a smile.

It’s a supply chain problem, and Lemon is left… a segue, but not much else to say.


