Sun-King Sununu … The Most Shameless Liar In The History of Politics

John Kerry was for the war in Iraq before he was against it … remember? Well … Sun-King Sununu has Gold-digger Kerry beat. He was for the six-month abortion ban before he was against it and now he is for it again. Got that? Fresh on the heels of trying to gut the six-month abortion ban, the shameless Sun-King is now embracing the six-month abortion ban:

And it’s not just his position on abortion … Sun-King actually supports abortion up to birth and perhaps “post-birth” as well … that he is lying about. Sun-King claims … or more precisely his Low-T pipsqueak spokesperson claims … he went on Lemon’s show to expand the GOP base. LIE. No persuadable voters watch Lemon. Sun-King did Lemon because he is a narcissist who gets a dopamine surge by seeing himself on television.

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