Car fire original Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

Five Left-Wing Domestic Terrorists Arrested

The news is typically johnny on the spot when “explosive devices, gasoline, & road flares” and discovered after the arrest of troublemakers outside an area where a government facility is being built. Unless they are connected to Antifa, and maybe no one thinks that’s a story that needs reporting.

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What inflation really looks like

Watch: What Inflation Really Looks Like.

Inflation has been brutal on the price of everything. It’s the not-so-hidden tax on Americans and usually the result of meddling from high up the political food chain. If you need a visual of the pain, here’s a video of a graph that shows inflation in real terms.

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Live Free or Die NH

Well, if US Attorney General Garland says I’m a Domestic Terrorist, I guess I am! My School Board seems to agree. Others here in NH?

UPDATE II: My Chief of Police Anthony Bean-Burpee, just called.  His modus operandi (my wording) is that he will respond to local issues and groups – not to anyone higher up the law enforcement food chain. If asked, his dept will respond to the local School Board requests for having a presence if a “spirited” meeting is anticipated but other than that (and to which I can confirm), no officers are deployed. Nor will he respond to politicized redefinitions of words that US AG Garland used: intimidation, harassment; only the standard English and legal definitions thereof. Otherwise, he will just follow the Law. He agreed – just filing a lawsuit against a (er, my) School Board doesn’t make me a Domestic Terrorist.

UPDATE and bumped: I did get through calling the NH Attorney General’s office. I’m sure that my message will go through – the person answering the phone told me “you have great articles!” and knew how to spell the “g.r.o.k.” part of our name.  We chuckled over a couple of things – she took my info and affirmed again that it will be put through.

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Proud To Be a Domestic Terrorist

The screenshot above is all over twitter. I oppose the “COVID measures” … a lovely euphemism for lockdowns, forcing people to wear masks to participate in society, forcing people to take “vaccines”, etc., etc., etc. … because (1) they DO NOT WORK and (2) they are UNNECESSARY.

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Stella Tremblay Already Proven Right – Sort of…

Democrats love to dither over context, so here’s a stick in your eye. Tremblay, who bless her heart refuses to back down despite being badgered by the left over her own personal concerns about US government sponsored domestic terrorism with regard to the Boston Marathon bombing, was–to some degree at least–correct.   Skip provided that tid-bit … Read more

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