US Capitol Bldg behind security fence

There Are Some Very Disturbing Signs Coming Out of DC.

The demonization of those who want their DNA to remain as GOD has written it proceeds apace. If you object to the Experimental Messenger RNA Gene Therapy, you are called Anti-Vaccine, even though this Witches brew IS NOT a vaccine, under the definition used for the last 100 years.

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Liz warren

23 and…WTF??

by Tom

Well, the media has certainly been playing up the Elizabeth Warren DNA saga today. A while back, Donald Trump challenged her to take a DNA test to prove she was part Cherokee, as she had been claiming for years.  So, she finally did it. Adding to the entertainment was the Boston Globe’s incorrect reporting and … Read more

Evolution Gets a Poke In the Eye

evolutionThe theory of Evolution suggests things about the adaptation of species over the course of history that lead us to what we see today. But an extensive research project just poked evolution in the eye.

Newly released research that analyzed millions of DNA barcodes has come to a surprising conclusion that effectively turns the theory of evolution on its head. The massive study, which spanned a decade of work from hundreds of scientists, found that 9 out of 10 animal species on the planet came into being around the same time as humans, 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.

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