23 and…WTF??

by Tom

Well, the media has certainly been playing up the Elizabeth Warren DNA saga today.

A while back, Donald Trump challenged her to take a DNA test to prove she was part Cherokee, as she had been claiming for years.  So, she finally did it.

Adding to the entertainment was the Boston Globe’s incorrect reporting and subsequent correction of her results.  I find it inexplicable that someone at the Globe, most certainly staffed by Leftists, had trouble doing simple division.  You know, because the Left is…so divisive.  (I’ll be here all week).  Call them “Children of the Common Core“.

But wait!  I don’t think the Globe actually made a mistake.  I think they purposely reported that Warren was “1/512th” Native American, instead of 1/1024th, figuring most people (sheep) would simply buy it.  You see, the ratio 1/512 equates to 0.19%, and in this 2014 New York Times article, it was reported that European-Americans on average have 0.18% Native American genomes.  Coming in below that number would, well, call Warren out as an even bigger fraud.  Nice try, Boston Globe.

The researchers [in this study] found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.

But what I find most interesting in the article is this little nugget:

The genes of African-Americans varied strikingly from state to state. In Oklahoma, the researchers estimated, 14 percent of African-Americans have genomes that are at least 2 percent Native American. This high percentage is probably due to the unique history of the state.  Some Native American tribes in the South, such as the Cherokee and Choctaw, kept African slaves. When they were expelled to Oklahoma in the 1830s, they brought the slaves with them. In some tribes, Native Americans and African slaves intermarried, and their descendants continue to live in Oklahoma today.

Does this mean that Senator Warren’s “people” were slave-holders??  Of Africans??

I’m thinking there is a better than 1/512th chance of it.  Reparations all around.


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