#Woke College Fires Biology Professor For Teaching Science Instead of Gender Cult Dogma

Depending on the narrative, you can’t get Progressives to stop using the word “science,” but when the science contradicts the approved narrative, referencing it or teaching it is discrimination and bigotry. And being a professor of color doesn’t protect you.


In his role as an adjunct professor, In November 2022, four of Dr. Varkey’s students walked out of his class when he stated, consistent with his study of human biology and religious beliefs, that sex was determined by chromosomes X and Y. In two decades of teaching these basic, unremarkable concepts, no other students complained. taught Human Anatomy and Physiology to more than 1,500 students since 2003. During Dr. Varkey’s 20-year employment as a biology professor at St. Philip’s College, he consistently received exemplary performance reviews and was never subject to discipline. Throughout that time, he never discussed with any student his personal views—religious or otherwise—on human gender or sexuality.


The dude taught the science of biology. But one day, last fall, “four of Dr. Varkey’s students walked out of his class when he stated, consistent with his study of human biology and religious beliefs, that sex was determined by chromosomes X and Y.”

Science melted these snowflakes, who then used their tears to grease the wheels of campus social justice. Two months later, in January, Dr. Varkey was terminated for his “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter” and that his teaching “pushed beyond the bounds of academic freedom with [his] personal opinions that were offensive to many individuals in the classroom.”

First, Liberty is representing Dr. Varaky in defense of his religious liberties, which I find ironic. His termination is based on the preference for one belief system over another—the universities social construct to explain a view of the world different from his. The school used non-scientific socially constructed gender theory to unemploy a man of science based on his not sharing that faith (or any faith): the very definition or its equivalent of state-based religion.

He will be made to believe as we do or not at all.

So, there is no wall of separation, it seems, between the belief that gender is fluid (a mental or emotional state) and the scientific fact that no matter what’s in your head, the physical structures with which you are born (or saddled, if you prefer) is undeniably a product of your chromosomal makeup.

The bricks of creation build the body. What the brain decides that means at any point after the body is born – assuming it survives other progressive cultural norms to reach air and daylight –  isn’t even relevant to the course of study. Biologists don’t concern themselves with what the mind projects from the body when complete. That is the realm of philosophers, psychologists, mythologists, and priests, all of whom have similar rights ar Dr. Varaky – in this country.

One has to wonder what comes next from the Pharisees of gender study – that toes are not toes? It’s a fair question. Why is the mythology limited to genitals and sex parts, which make up a fraction of the physical body over which the brain is supposed to have control?



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