Uh-oh! Did somebody forget to pay their domain registration bill?

BUMPED from 6/6/2012.  Moron. Better stuff coming back in a while – VOTE Bill Kuch!

Somebody wasn’t paying attention to details, were they?  It does happen – and it more often than some folks will admit to.  However, this is not what I expected to see when I went over to David Boutin’s NH Senate campaign site:

And yes, there are some things that were promised and the stark truth of votes taken.  Right, Left, or somewhere in Squishland, all politicians have a record and it isn’t just other politicians that look at those records.

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Hmm, he really wants to run again? Slurp…

Bumped from 2/16/18.  Yep, Dave Boutin threw his hat in the ring and is running against newcomer Bill Kuch – a real bonafide Conservative. Well, if Boutin’s hat is in the ring, I think we have a few anchors and anvils to add to his load.  And guess what?  They’re as valid now as when we first dropped them back in 2013/2014.  Boutin is a straight get-along-go-along GOPe-er that toes the Establishment line – he knows where his campaign money comes from.  So, consider this just the first one – we’ve got PLENTY!


I forgot to mention this a bit ago, so here it is:

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Dave Boutin Sides with Accused Heroin Trafficker To Attack Primary Opponent

Bill Kuch - Boutin mailerIn a recent mailer, which will take several posts to “depose” State Senate Candidate David Boutin came out smearing Republican Primary opponent Bill Kuch.

Boutin claims (see above) that his primary opponent, Bill Kuch, is extreme for voting against Marsy’s law. Hello! Dave? The New Hampshire House voted 284 – 51 against CACR22 (Marsy’s Law).

Dave Boutin thinks that’s extreme. As opposed to this?

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GrokTV Event – CNHT in review – The “NH Senate” edition!

Well, you DIDN’T think that we’d leave the NH Senate out, didja?  And yes, there were a number of candidates and incumbents running for the NH Senate.  Once again, in order of the speaking order at the CNHT Annual


Dave Boutin                                                              Ken Hawkins

Cindy Howard District 5

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