Hmm, he really wants to run again? Slurp…


Bumped from 2/16/18.  Yep, Dave Boutin threw his hat in the ring and is running against newcomer Bill Kuch – a real bonafide Conservative. Well, if Boutin’s hat is in the ring, I think we have a few anchors and anvils to add to his load.  And guess what?  They’re as valid now as when we first dropped them back in 2013/2014.  Boutin is a straight get-along-go-along GOPe-er that toes the Establishment line – he knows where his campaign money comes from.  So, consider this just the first one – we’ve got PLENTY!


I forgot to mention this a bit ago, so here it is:


Former New Hampshire State Sen. David Boutin wants another shot at his old seat that he lost in a special election last summer. Boutin, a Republican from Hooksett, recently announced his run for the District 16 Senate race. Boutin previously held the state Senate seat from 2010-16. “I want to make sure the values of the people that live in District 16 are properly represented in Concord,” Boutin told Peter St. James and Pat Kelly on “Good Morning NH” on Jan. 9. “I just believe that the current Senator does not reflect those values.”

Boutin was talking about Kevin Cavanaugh, a Manchester Democrat who beat Boutin in a special election in July 2017. The election outcome came as an upset to the seasoned Senator.


David Boutin 2

“Seasoned” versus “soused“; he should know better as he BARELY won his primary over Jane Cormier and only did so because the Senate Incumbent Racket and Protection Fund controlled by BFF Jeb Bradley gave him oodles upon oodles of money – FOR A PRIMARY and against a rival who ran a shoestring budget operation who only came up a few points behind.  Of course he got beat in the special.

And we still have the videos.  Schmuck.  And we’re patient.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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