No Facemask? NH Teacher Hopes You “Die Quicker”

by Tom

Recently, the Concord Monitor published a story about New Hampshire businesses “implementing their own mask mandates”. It was your typical Monitor story – where they push the COVID narrative of submission and “listening to the experts” when it comes to mask-wearing in a state with an extremely low case volume and mortality rate, where nearly … Read more

Dan – cutting off his nose in support of his ideology

by Skip

Gun-industry-sees-banks-as-new-threat-to-2nd-AmendmentThe Concord Monitor has a piece applauding the fact that while Government has the stricture of the Second Amendment (…shall not be infringed), corporate entities have no such restrictions.  We’ve seen a number of the Too Big To Fail banks putting the hammer down on gun retailers and suppliers:

In the wake of high-profile mass shootings, corporate America has been taking a stand against the firearms industry amid a lack of action by lawmakers on gun control.

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DISQUS Doodlings – where Dan Williams puts himself into a capitalist Mobius strip…and falls off

by Skip


Once again we see the Left on display complaining that life won’t manifest itself into their whine of “equal outcomes.”  The piece by Katharine Gregg (after the jump) complains about what most Progressives do – gee, some people have a head start and familial leg up on the rest of us; she labels that “opportunity hoarding.” Gosh, hasn’t that happened in ALL economies and political systems?

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So Commenter and Govt school teacher Hunter Dan is all bent out of shape over the ‘Grok: predictable Govt Employee hissy fit ensues

by Skip

So, ‘Grok commenter Hunter Dan (real name, Dan Williams, public school teacher all enamored that music is the only hatch upward to success) has been picking fights with one of our funniest and insightful (as long as you READ his stuff and THINK about it – something Dan Williams is having great difficulties in doing) commenters, C. dog. e. doG

Sidenote: I just wish C. dog take me up on my offer to write here instead of just commenting – imagine how many Lib heads would explode on a daily basis!

although with these words in describing Dan Williams (“a whining self-abusing flautist flood the internets with his bitter tears.”), I’m not entirely sure he really needs my assistance but I digress.

Well,  Dan Williams decided to boast of his high perch over at Pravda-on-the-Merrimac as part of being on the Board of Contributors (or sum such poo-bahness, which means absolutely nada here) and put in a few mal-mots about the ‘Grok and claimed that classrooms were not centers of liberal indoctrination (and of COURSE it is behind a paywall (like that worked so well at the NYT and their opinion writers like Krugman and Dowd – maybe we’ll all get lucky and the Concord Monitor will keep Dan Williams on the other side of the wall)).  Anyways, I sent this to him – it took all of 15 seconds to find an example of that which he claims to not exist:

Well HERE is a great example of liberal indoctrination (emphasis mine):

Philly teacher: Student’s Romney T-shirt like wearing a KKK sheet

Last Friday was dress-down day at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond — a day for students to leave their uniforms at home and wear whatever they liked.

One young woman chose to wear a shirt showing her support for Gov. Mitt Romney’s presidential candidacy.  Her geometry teacher didn’t like it, the girl’s father said on a radio call-in show on IQ 106.9 FM today

The teacher allegedly told the girl to take off the shirt, saying it was like wearing a Ku Klux Klan sheet. The teacher allegedly threatened to use a marker to cross out Romney’s name and that of Rep. Paul Ryan, his running mate.  The teacher also allegedly tried to throw the student out of class.

The teacher also allegedly said that Carroll was “a Democratic school.  Her parents were livid.

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The Concord Monitor’s Integrity Deficit

“I can only assume that your editorial writer tripped over the First Amendment and thought it was the office cat.” —E. B. White

On Thursday February 9, the Concord Monitor ran an opinion column written by Dan Williams regarding several pieces of Legislation pending in Concord affecting Hunting, Fishing and Trapping.  Aside from writing for Granite Grok, I am the President of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, and also the President of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club. I am a hunter, a fisherman (of lesser sorts) and a Trapper.

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