The Concord Monitor has a piece applauding the fact that while Government has the stricture of the Second Amendment (…shall not be infringed), corporate entities have no such restrictions. We’ve seen a number of the Too Big To Fail banks putting the hammer down on gun retailers and suppliers:
In the wake of high-profile mass shootings, corporate America has been taking a stand against the firearms industry amid a lack of action by lawmakers on gun control. Payment processing firms are limiting transactions, Bank of America stopped providing financing to companies that make AR-style guns, and retailers like Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods imposed age restrictions on gun purchases.
The moves are lauded by gun-safety advocates but criticized by the gun industry that views them as a backhanded way of undermining the Second Amendment. Gun industry leaders see the backlash as a real threat to their industry and are coming to the conclusion that they need additional protections in Congress to prevent financial retaliation from banks.
So, commenter “Mr Wonderful” threw out a bit of a slap as he hates Libertarians for some deep down reason (when confronted, he scurries away; I think its because he loves Government (being a government teacher and all)):
Dan Williams
Sounds like a “free market solution” to me – right, libertarians???
Yeah, not really a simple acknowledgement but more of a slur. So, I answered him (yeah, so much for being “blocked”, eh Dan?):
Insofar as it is not done by government statute or regulation, it is the free market making a decision. So, these companies making the decision using their Freedom of Association; do Christian bakers, photographers, and florists get to exercise the same Right as these banks in associating / not associating with potential customers as well? After all, aren’t they all entanged in the “public accommodation” nonsense that seems to go only one way (like when Progressives talk about “tolerance”)?
How about that owner that kicked out Trump’s Press Secretary – same exercise as the banks? What if Sarah Sanders had said “bake me a cake” – then what?
As he was wont to say: <crickets>. He’s all about throwing down himself but when challenged.
What is rather amusing is that he claims to be a hunter – not a bow and arrow type but one with guns. So it is clear that his hatred for those who simply hold a differing view of the Proper Role of Government (who, btw, have no problem in allowing him to have any amount or type of firearms he would want) outweighs the existential threat to those manufacturers and retailers that supply him with the tools to go hunting.
Strange, that. Well, maybe not all THAT strange for him.