So Commenter and Govt school teacher Hunter Dan is all bent out of shape over the ‘Grok: predictable Govt Employee hissy fit ensues


So, ‘Grok commenter Hunter Dan (real name, Dan Williams, public school teacher all enamored that music is the only hatch upward to success) has been picking fights with one of our funniest and insightful (as long as you READ his stuff and THINK about it – something Dan Williams is having great difficulties in doing) commenters, C. dog. e. doG

Sidenote: I just wish C. dog take me up on my offer to write here instead of just commenting – imagine how many Lib heads would explode on a daily basis!

although with these words in describing Dan Williams (“a whining self-abusing flautist flood the internets with his bitter tears.”), I’m not entirely sure he really needs my assistance but I digress.

Well,  Dan Williams decided to boast of his high perch over at Pravda-on-the-Merrimac as part of being on the Board of Contributors (or sum such poo-bahness, which means absolutely nada here) and put in a few mal-mots about the ‘Grok and claimed that classrooms were not centers of liberal indoctrination (and of COURSE it is behind a paywall (like that worked so well at the NYT and their opinion writers like Krugman and Dowd – maybe we’ll all get lucky and the Concord Monitor will keep Dan Williams on the other side of the wall)).  Anyways, I sent this to him – it took all of 15 seconds to find an example of that which he claims to not exist:

Well HERE is a great example of liberal indoctrination (emphasis mine):

Philly teacher: Student’s Romney T-shirt like wearing a KKK sheet

Last Friday was dress-down day at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond — a day for students to leave their uniforms at home and wear whatever they liked.

One young woman chose to wear a shirt showing her support for Gov. Mitt Romney’s presidential candidacy.  Her geometry teacher didn’t like it, the girl’s father said on a radio call-in show on IQ 106.9 FM today

The teacher allegedly told the girl to take off the shirt, saying it was like wearing a Ku Klux Klan sheet. The teacher allegedly threatened to use a marker to cross out Romney’s name and that of Rep. Paul Ryan, his running mate.  The teacher also allegedly tried to throw the student out of class.

The teacher also allegedly said that Carroll was “a Democratic school.  Her parents were livid.

 The student was afraid to go back to the class.  She thought she would be retaliated against.

Philadelphia School District spokesman Fernando Gallard confirmed that last Friday at Carroll, “a teacher made some comments to a student wearing a Romney t-shirt in their classroom. The comments were of a political nature, and also of a personal nature.  We are looking into the comments, and the conduct of the teacher.”

 Once the school received a complaint, an investigation was launched the same day, Gallard said.  The investigation is ongoing.

In the meantime, the teacher was switched out of the class “to allow the student to feel comfortable to come to the class.”

Gallard said the student was within her rights.

“She was expressing her freedom of speech, and was not in violation of any school or district policy,” he said.

More to the point locally:

At Gilford Middle High School, where voting happens for the town, Greg Knytch (he was running for State Senate as a Republican) was holding a sign for himself and one for Jeb Bradley.  Teachers were bringing their classes out to explain what was going on.  One little girl pointed to a Jeb Bradley sign and asked the teacher “Who is that”?  The teacher’s response?  “That’s a bad man – a Republican”.

I’ve had other stories brought to me as a Conservative blogger by parents that surround one theme: their values that they are trying to pass on to their kids are regularly belittled by teachers in the classroom.

Don’t get me wrong – there are Conservative teachers that do the same thing but things like this happen FAR fewer times that way than with Liberal teachers (and a lot of times, because there are far less Con teachers than Lib teachers).  In either case, however, it is wrong – teach the subject straight up and keep yer yaps shut on the politics and philosophy.  Unless asked by a student (then state it politely, state it once, and then move on).

Sorry, Dan Williams, almost any Conservative will agree with the fact that the Teachers Unions that run the schools are solidly in the pocket of the Democrat Party (or is the other way around?).  While there are a few Conservative (or apolitical) teachers around, most skew heavily Left (after all, the Chicago Teachers Union openly marched and welcomed Socialists, Occupiers, and Communists; some are openly with the Socialist elements of society.  Just ask yourself, how often do teachers unions Conservative candidates, Republican candidates, or even hold Conservative values in their Union Literature?

I rest my case.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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