Soviet Star Hammer and Sickle

Soviet-Style Show-Trials Are Cause For Celebration

A big THANK YOU to Rep Damond Ford … for regularly pulling back the curtain and letting us see the Woke-Communists’ true nature. I’m talking about Damond’s X (twitter). I am sure it is just a matter of time until General Secretary Matty Wilhelm instructs Damond to stop tweeting his mind.

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Damond, It’s “Stifle,” Not “Stiffle,” … And People Have A Right To Know They Are “Represented” By An Incorrigible Communist

Apparently, State Rep Damond Ford … Hamas’ guy in the NH House… “dislikes” having his tweets discussed on Granite Grok. But as with everything else Rep Hamas … oops! Sorry! Rep Ford … is wrong. We don’t want to stifle your opinions DT … we want to amplify and spread them. So the people of New Hampshire will know just what an incorrigible Woke-Communist you are.

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Desert dry sand heat tree Photo by Jordi Vich Navarro on Unsplash

State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History

They may call themselves Democrats. But they are Communists. Needless to say, they would deny being Communists. Indeed, they would roll their eyes and scoff at the suggestion. Yet their goal of “transforming” America by making it more “diverse,” “equitable,” “inclusive,” blah, blah, blah, is simply the latest manifestation of Stalin’s purges, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot’s re-education, etc.

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