Damond, It’s “Stifle,” Not “Stiffle,” … And People Have A Right To Know They Are “Represented” By An Incorrigible Communist

Ed Mosca

Apparently, State Rep Damond Ford … Hamas’ guy in the NH House… “dislikes” having his tweets discussed on Granite Grok. But as with everything else Rep Hamas … oops! Sorry! Rep Ford … is wrong. We don’t want to stifle your opinions DT … we want to amplify and spread them. So the people of New Hampshire will know just what an incorrigible Woke-Communist you are.

Your campaign literature is so boilerplate and antiseptic. Not at all the DT we see on X. The DT on X is a cheerleader for Hamas. That DT sees everyone and everything in terms of race. That DT thinks parents have no right to know what happens in public schools. That DT supports the chemical castration of children (which the Woke-Communists euphemistically call “gender-affirming care.”) That DT is all for Critical Race Theory and celebrated when the law banning CRT was struck down by an activist federal judge.


I could go on and on and on. But to cut to the chase, it is unarguable that “candidate” DT Ford bears little to no resemblance to “Representative” DT Ford.

So, no we don’t want to stifle you … or even stiffle you (whatever that means). We want you to keep expressing your opinions on X. We want New Hampshire to see the real DT Ford,


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