Treating Disease as a War

“…$30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19…”

by Skip

A little context from Facebook (emphasis mine, reformatted): I don’t want to sound insensitive but with 2 trillion more in spending covering what was never really a national threat it’s going to cost 30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19 just in federal deficit spending. Has not anyone noticed we were not really … Read more

Where Glen Reynolds tries a Drudge technique – on the Police

by Skip

Which is to poke fun at someone declaring “Truth” by linking to their story and then linking to a story which, pretty much, destroy’s the first one:

Glenn Does Drudge On Police So, we all have seen how well “armored up” our local police have become over the past few years, and the ACLU story even mentions a town in our state, Keene.  Sleepy little Keene where the most drastic thing that seems to happen in that college town is either that the college goofy up or the local militant Libertarians decided to do yet another act of “I dare you to arrest me” civil disobedience.

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