Cinde Warmington for NH Governor website

Cinde Warmington Isn’t the Only Dem With an “Opioid Problem,” Sonia

You will, by now, have heard of the sordid tale of Sonia Prince and alleged antisemitism. Sonia is no Liberal Wallflower, and her latest outrage isn’t anything new except that she was aiming it at a Democrat because she supports that candidate’s opponent. If you missed it, Prince called out Executive Councilor and Democrat Gubernatorial … Read more

RGA Goes After Warmington And Craig

The two most viable Democrats seeking an opportunity to replace the retreating Governor Chris Sununu are busy appeasing their base with promises of a green energy mecca and sanctuary for foreign criminals. Craig is running on her tenure as Governor of Manchester, the state’s largest city, while Warmington is running away from her lobbying past. … Read more

Cinde Warmington for NH Governor website

Cinde Warmington is the Definition of a Limousine Liberal!

What is a Limousine Liberal? “…They are the same people that demand public education for all of you without choice but then send their sniveling little brats to private education with high tuitions. They are…”

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Democrat Cinde Warmington’s Huge Conflict of Interest “Problem”

With His Excellency retiring from the governor’s office, New Hampshire Democrats are hoping this is their opportunity to take the office back. Before Sununu, they’d had a lock on it for many years, except for the Craig Benson hiccup (one two-year term).

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RBG - Defend Abortion Rights Rally

NH Democrats Rally for Right to Abortion up Until Moment of Birth

Yesterday, we attended the Defend Abortion Rights NH Rally featuring Democrat congresspeople Chris Pappas and Ann Kuster, Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington, Ronelle Tshiela, co-founder of BLM Manchester, and former Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky.

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Say no to patricia conway

Sununu Needs to Withdraw His Latest Court Nominee – Patricia “Situational Ethics” Conway

His Excellency, Gov. Sununu, has selected Rockingham County prosecutor Patrica Conway to be New Hampshire’s next Superior Court judge, but there’s a problem. While she has plenty of experience as a prosecutor, she also has experience violating laws she’ll be asked to adjudicate.

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Thumb on the Justice scale

Cinde Warmington … Unqualified for the Executive Council

I saw Steve’s post about Cinde Warmington … an Attorney with Shaheen & Gordon and a candidate (Democrat, of course) for the Executive Council seat currently being held by Comrade Andru Volinsky, aka #VolinskyAgenda … so I decided to check out her positions on the issues. Let’s start with confirming Judges, arguably the most important … Read more

Cinde Warmington

Why is a Lawyer from Senator Shaheen’s Law Firm Friending Conservatives on Facebook?

Cinde Warmington is a lawyer with Shaheen Gordon. Yes, that Shaheen. And I’m sure she’s a wonderful person. Mr. Obama liked her enough to pose for a picture. So, why is an Obama Democrat who works for Bill and Jeanne Shaheen’s law firm friending folks on the right?

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