Real woman vs ersatz one Dylan Mulvaney

“…Will Not Jump on the Glittery Bandwagon of Trans Activism.”

by Skip

OK, I hope that partial quote from Patrizia Mirigliani, who runs the Miss Italy beauty pageant, is yet another clue that the Transgender Mafia is losing both steam and has run out of most peoples’ patience with the constant “Do you want a dead son or a live daughter” emotional blackmail schtick. Add to that, … Read more

dear trans community

Welcome to the Chaos of CNN writing about Transgender Men, mangling history and grammar, and what this is doing to Society?

by Skip

Libertine: A libertine is a person devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, or sexual restraints, which they see as unnecessary or undesirable, and is especially someone who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour observed by the larger society.[1][2] Libertinism is described as an extreme form of hedonism.[3] Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those … Read more

Order Chaos brett-jordan-M3cxjDNiLlQ-unsplash

This Is beyond Annoying: “People Now Have Pronouns That Change Depending on the Pronouns of the Person They Are Talking To at the Moment and If You Fail to Remember Them It’s off to the Gulags”

by Skip

Steve, as Editor, is going to hate me for the title but I wanted the effect from the original (NotTheBee) post. It’s not bad enough that a tiny sliver of the overall population has decided that they can demand that we can only use certain coerced speech in and out of their presence and that … Read more

Fear is the Mind Killer…

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

― Frank Herbert, Dune

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Joseph the Scrantonian

In recent years, those on the left have been remarkably successful replacing America’s Judeo-Christian values with their own radical beliefs.  They’ve also been making significant progress replacing American icons with their own hierarchy of saints and sinners.

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Notable Quote – What is Needed for a Prosperous Economy?

by Skip

Both the Right to Private Property and The Rule of Law is being attacked in what seems to be hundreds of cities across America. Lawless mobs made up of Black Lives Matter and Antifa (and other assorted ne’er-do-wells and other riff-raff wanting a “Grand Adventure”) laying siege to these targets.

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