We Trusted the Science - notice j

CARTOON: We Trusted the Science

I am not quite ready to come out of my hiatus hole with essays, but I had a cartoon concept that was so hard-hitting, with IMHO so much gut-punch impact, I have to get it out for viewing and – hopefully – dissemination.

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Aid and Comfort

CARTOON: Aid and Comfort

I have seen my cartoons here and there around the net without my notice which is almost always at the bottom.  Please, I pay for my concepts to be done professionally.

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Nemesis Waits A needl in every arm

CARTOON: Nemesis Checks the Time

A brief plea – I have seen my cartoons here and there around the net without my notice which is almost always at the bottom.  Please, I pay for my concepts to be done professionally – if you like a cartoon and want to post/share it, please do, but have the courtesy of keeping that notice on the image and also mentioning that you saw it here.  Thank you.

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