Can the industrial-scale carbon sequestration required to rescue humanity from its alleged environmental ruin be achieved by the mass production of synthetic diamonds? Lab-grown diamonds — composed of pure carbon crystallized in an isotropic 3D form — can sequester the carbon employed forever, converting it from a planet-destroying liability to a sparkling asset.
Reminder: We Don’t Have What it Takes to ‘Go Green’
The Left’s all-in or nothing attitude about net-zero is one of their more disingenuous screeds. They’re ranting like lunatics and making more promises than a used Electric Vehicle car salesman with no car to sell you. IN other words, what they say, can’t be done.
UK Plan to Mitigate CO2 By Planting Millions of Trees Could Actually Make Matters Worse
Decades of being wrong about everything has not stopped the Climate Cult across the Pond from seeking solutions to the non-problem of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The Brits are determined to fix what’s not broken, so they want to plant 11 million trees. But they worry that might make matters worse.
Stop Giving Money to Dartmouth (‘cuz Climate Fraud)
Dartmouth did some excellent research on carbon sequestration by forests in New Hampshire. Trees sequester carbon into themselves and the soil. Good work. But they then ruined it by making it about manmade co2 and climate change.
Quick Thought – without carbon suger is..?
(H/T: Powerline) After all: Yep, there’s carbon in that thing!
Another Day, Another Lie From Senator “Jeannie”
This: President Trump announced America’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords on June 1, 2017: “…as of today the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris Accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country. This includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very … Read more
Another Whack at RGGI
..what I find particularity perverse is that “Republican” Senators in New Hampshire could be tying themselves to the Massachusetts compromise as the tipping point at which staying in RGGI would then no longer make sense.
NH Senate Should BEG Our forgiveness on RGGI
God has a sense of humor. Just days after Republican State Senators in New Hampshire bent over backwards to the green lobby (and refused to leave RGGI) a major green lobby advocate (George Monbiot) announced that none of their ideas work. (Ideas like cap and trade for example.) Now, just days after that, a highly credentialed European scientist who was on the Anthropogenic Global Warming Government money "Gravy Train" has a message to those who continue to support CO2 mitigation of any kind, and in particular the failed variety like RGGI… those who still believe the planet is in danger from our carbon dioxide emissions: Sorry, but you’ve been had. Yes, carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming, but it’s so minor it’s not worth doing much about.
So who is David Evans? Here’s his bio from the article.
David Evans consulted full-time for the Australian Greenhouse Office (now the Department of Climate Change) from 1999 to 2005, and part-time 2008 to 2010, modelling Australia’s carbon in plants, debris, mulch, soils, and forestry and agricultural products. He is a mathematician and engineer, with six university degrees, including a PhD from Stanford University in electrical engineering.
Is this speaking truth to power?
The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s. But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.
It Isn’t Easy Being ‘Green.’
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is a reflection of failed ‘Green’ policy, the shadow of an idea that doesn’t work on so many levels that even prominent members of the Green movement have begun soul searching over their own contradictions about the ideas which encouraged it’s genesis (and its goals) in the first place.
Perhaps the best, and most recent example, comes to us from Walter Russell Mead in his review of George Monbiot’s recent admission that "…because of a whole series of intellectual mistakes, the global green movement’s policy prescriptions are hopelessly flawed." A "thoughtful and brutally clear expose of the intellectual bankruptcy of the green movement from one of the smartest people in it."
Why is it always the really smart people who are so stupid?
Mead sums it up: "regardless of what is happening to Planet Earth, the green movement does not have coherent and workable solutions."
Greens like to have it both ways. They warn darkly about “peak oil” and global resource shortages that will destroy our industrial economy in its tracks — but also warn that runaway economic growth will destroy the planet through the uncontrolled effects of mass industrial productions. Both doomsday scenarios cannot be true; one cannot simultaneously die of both starvation and gluttony.
More, Monbiot also acknowledges the contradictory and inconsistent nature of the green solutions. He acknowledges that there is no prospect for democratic politics to impose the draconian limits on consumption and economic activity that green dogma requires. Every ‘solution’ the greens have come up with has a fatal flaw of some kind; none of it works, none of it makes any sense.
All of this is true, whether it comes from a prominent intellectual of the movement like Monboit, some dopey, indoctrinated public school kid, or say…a misguided New Hampshire State Senator who can’t read the writing on the wall and is afraid to educate his own constituents on the costs of failed policy. Policy whose expense and waste do not go down if we continue to pursue them.
GrokTalk! Saturday May 7th , 2011
Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.
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This week…
NH State Senator Gary Lambert. On today’s program Senator Lambert will will talk to Skip about his position on RGGI and why he is against repeal. Campaign site, State Senator page
Chuck McGhee – from Resident power. Resident power (A GrokTALK! Sponsor) is a new company trying to take advantage of the deregulated electricity market to bring cheaper power to New Hampshire’s homes and businesses.
Dr. Cooper -Liberty Harbor Academy (pending confirmation): Liberty Harbor Academy is a new and different concept of high school designed for the student who the traditional academic model does not fit.
Ann Marie Banfield – Working with experts in education from across the country, she offers valuable insight into problems and successes in education.
A Grokster or two? You never know who might call in. Hey! You could call in. Join us.
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RGGI Must Die!!
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is a Tax. It is broad based, affecting every aspect of our lives. And it is a tax beyond our constitutional control. These added costs, this tax, is set outside the state and can be affected by third parties and secondary markets, none of whom answer to any elected or appointed official in that we can elect or remove form office. No one will ever get to testify at a hearing before any of these actors moves to increase our taxes; they will simply go up with the cost of credits sold through RGGI.
Green Choice
…this is a tax that can increase without ever seeing a public hearing. No one will testify. No one you vote for will be held to account for the tax increase. You will just pay more.