A Dirty Ex-Cop and a Mope

Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.   George Bernard Shaw

Brendan_Bisbee_Dirty_Ex_Cop_Mope2Kristin Ruggiero engaged in a series of lies and falsehoods with the specific intent to destroy her estranged husband Jeffrey Ruggiero. For a time it seemed that Kristin was “teflon”…Nothing seemed earthly possible that would oppose her web of deceit. Kristin was smart…tech savvy…and convincing.  So compelling in fact, that she was able to curry multiple domestic violence and stalking protection orders in multiple states.

But the point finally came when the whole ruse unraveled. Kristin was caught. And in her web of deceit, she

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Brendan Bisbee Begs Bail


“Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.”  —Henry David Thoreau

Brendan Bisbee is a former police officer who now sits in jail, convicted of perjury after he lied to help his girlfriend Kristin Ruggiero lie in order that her ex-husband be thrown in jail, have his career ruined and deny a relationship with their minor daughter born of that relationship.

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Kristin Ruggiero Ex-boyfriend Gets State Prison

“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.” —Buddha

Last Friday, The Union Leader’s Jim Kimble reported that #KristinRuggiero ex-boyfriend #BrendanBisbee received a 2 to 4-year state prison sentence for his role in trying to have Kristin’s ex-husband Jeff Ruggiero jailed. Amidst speculation that Bisbee might receive a suspended sentence and probation, Kristin’s mother Elizabeth “Kim” McDonald still faces charges, along with Jeff Ruggiero’s estranged brother Daniel.

Brendan Bisbee was a ten-year veteran of the Barre Massachusetts Police Department. Now, Brendan Bisbee is commorant of the New Hampshire State Prison. Bisbee received a two to four-year sentence in state prison following his October 21 conviction on five counts of perjury; for his role in the conniving, lying, and bad behavior of his ex-girlfriend Kristin Ruggiero, when he perjured himself during both the investigation and at her May 2009 trial.

Kristin Ruggiero framed her ex-husband Jeff Ruggiero, having him jailed for threats she alleged came from him.  Kristin had purchased a disposable cell phone and engineered the threats to appear as originating with Jeff Ruggiero.  The Rockingham Superior Court sentenced Kristin to 7 to 14-years in State Prison for her falsifications.

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“Hell Hath no fury like a woman scorned…”—unknown

The Supreme Court rejected Kristin Ruggiero’s appeal yesterday Morning. Thereafter, Kristin was found in the throes of a seizure and transported to Catholic Medical Center in Manchester where she was pronounced dead.

Some speculate her death to be suicide, while other morons are doing what they usually do: Pointing fingers of blame at DOC. None will know what the nature of her death is until the State Medical Examiner releases his findings. Meanwhile, the armchair warriors and commentators weighing in at the Union Leader on Line versionoffer their, “two cents,” alleging facts, suppositions and allegations contained nowhere in the article.

I have been writing about this case for over a year, following it closely. Kristin Ruggiero was perhaps the most dangerous woman in New Hampshire. In my entry on 12/22/10 on NHInsider.com I detailed as follows:

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