F**k Around And Find Out…

A photo of a letter is making its way across the internet. The letter reads as follows:

“Dear Neighbor:

You have been identified by our group as  being a Trump Supporter.

Your address has been added into our database as a target for when we attack should Trump not concede the election.

We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage.

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Anti-Semitic attacks are reported

Anti-Semitic Attacks are Reported in Canada

A Canadian woman sent a ricin attack on President Trump. Now we are seeing reports coming from Ontario of multiple anti-Semitic attacks. What’s going on up there?

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A “Catch and Release” Beneficiary

Is Biden Afraid to Debate or are Democrats Afraid of Biden?

Should the candidates for President debate? Let’s ask Nancy. Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has many concerned supporters. Their concern is debating Donald Trump. Why? Their candidate has faced a multitude of questions about his mental and cognitive health.

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New York Times Corrects Another Brett Kavanaugh Story

New York Times Corrects Another Brett Kavanaugh Story

Okay, we all make mistakes. We all get it wrong sometimes. But the New York Times is literally burning its credibility with stories about Brett Kavanaugh.

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Eighteen years ago today, Islamist terrorists attacked America, killing thousands

Eighteen years ago today, Islamist terrorists attacked America, killing thousands. There have been numerous less successful attacks in the US since that time. The left and the media dismiss most, but you should not be so dismissive. Never forget.

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Notre Dame Burns

As Notre Dame Burns, Hate Crimes Against Christians in France Averaging over 1000 per Year

The media spends a lot of time reporting attacks against Muslims, but they are the least persecuted religion in all of France. Yes, you have to say, ‘All of France.’ According to the government the faith most under attack in not Muslims, nor even Jews, it’s Christians.

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