603 Summit: Ann Marie Banfield.

by Skip

Ann Marie Banfield has been working on researching educational policy and practices. She is in favor of parental rights, literacy, academic standards.  She has recently been the Educational Liaison for Cornerstone, a frequent guest and blogger at Girard At Large – and GraniteGrok from time to time. We were at the beginning when Ann Marie … Read more

Practical Federalism Forum – The Interviews

Included here are our with Stanley Kurtz from National Review; UT State Rep Ken Ivory; From Iowa – Caffeinated Thoughts author Shane Vander Hart; NH’s Jeff Chidester and Ann Marie Banfield; plus podium remarks from Bryan McCormack (Cornerstone Policy Research) and Sean Fieler – Chairman of the American Principles project.  

GrokTALK! – Do You Want Parents Engaged or Not?

In part two of our interview with Ann Marie Banfield we continue the discussion on parental rights, education transparency, and the duality of education experts that claim they want parents engaged but then embrace policies and curriculum that keep them disengaged.  

GrokTALK! – Worst Governor on Parental Rights Ever?

Education advocate Ann Marie Banfield joins us to talk about the Governor’s veto last week of parental rights regarding objectionable material (HB332) in public school classrooms. We discuss transparency, age appropriate material, parental involvement, and what parents and taxpayers need to do to ensure parental rights are defended and secured.    

GrokTALK! June 27th, 2015

Education advocate Ann Marie Banfield joins us to talk parental rights, Jim Kofalt discusses the mission of the 603 Alliance, and Mark Lucas from AFP New Hampshire speaks about the Road to Reform.  

CALL TO ACTION: SB48 passed the House Ed Committee.

From Ann Marie Banfield c/o Facebook

SB48 passed the House Ed Committee. 

The good news is that both the Democrats and Republicans had ISSUES with ASSESSING “Dispositions”. That word was removed with an amendment.

Unfortunately schools will be labeled “Priority” and “Focus” schools based upon the standardized assessment results.

This means that if your students do not perform well on the standardized assessment that is ALIGNED TO COMMON CORE, your school could end up identified as a “Priority or Focus” school.

May 18th GrokTALK! Guest Segment – Jenn Coffey

In Segment three of this weeks GrokTALK! the Honorable Jenn Coffey talks about stand your ground, what it really means in New Hampshire, what you need to know about knife rights and a few other topics as well. Note: You can listen to Jenn Coffey every Wednesday at 6:20am on the Jenn & Jenn segment, … Read more

May 18th GrokTALK! Guest Segment – Dr. Julianne Cooper

In this segment of GrokTALK! we are joined again by Dr. Julianne Cooper who returns to discuss ADHD,(the real ADHD), and the affects of these and other coding of children in public schools.  We also talk about discipline in education, parenting, and how they all relate.  Listen Here Download this segment here You can get … Read more

May 18th GrokTALK! Opening Segment

Skip Murphy, Mike Rogers, Rick Olson, and Steve Mac Donald interject on the IRS scandal, “how about that tyranny we’ve been warming you all about,” North Korean’s Fishing with ICBM’s, the definition of “Shaheening,” the mystery of Obama’s ‘Permission Structures,’ why moral behavior should drive social behavior and not the other way around, Mark Sanford’s … Read more

GrokTALK! May 18th, 2013

This week on Grok Talk we are joined by Dr. Julianne Cooper who returns to discuss ADHD, the real ADHD, and the affects of these and other coding of children in public schools. The Honorable Jenn Coffey talks about stand your ground, what it really means in New Hampshire, what you need to know about … Read more

Coming Up On GrokTALK!

This week on GrokTALK! our Guests will be… Greg Moore – AFP-NH State Director Jack Kimball – from Granite State Patriots and Kevin Bloom returns.   The following Week, May 18th we’ll have… From Liberty Harbor Academy -Dr. Julianne Cooper is back Former NH House Rep and Activist Jenn Coffey and Cornerstone’s Education Guru – … Read more

Common Core: Upcoming Presentation!

by Skip

“Ann Marie Banfield and Doris Hohensee promote the upcoming May 28th Manchester School Board meeting held in Manchester City Hall at 7 pm for people to get a better idea of what Common Core education is all about.” Common Core is the “new” educational standard that was funded by the Bill Gates Foundation and which … Read more

National Education Standards

Guest Post: Ann Marie Banfield


Dear Editor:

At the last Bedford School Board Meeting, the Board was presented information on the adoption of National Standards.  

The New Hampshire Department of Education recently voted to approve the adoption of Common Core Standards in Math and English.  During the testimony before the NH DOE, several people testified that the New Hampshire State Standards were not adequate.  The Fordham Foundation agreed and gave NH math standards a "D".

Under Governor Lynch, the NH DOE set the bar incredibly low.  While other states moved to improve their standards to an "A" level, our DOE was content to leave the bar low. 

(Continued on the jump)

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