Thank You for Riding Herd on SAU16

by Spike

Ms. Banfield, fellow Grokster, thank you for riding herd on SAU16 and keeping us up-to-date on its numerous outrages, from Sharpie-gate to making athletic participation contingent on following Woke orthodoxy in private communication.

Regarding towns leaving SAU16: When Secretary Edelblut spoke in Brentwood last fall, our tireless pro-taxpayer activist Liz Faria asked him about Brentwood leaving SAU16.

We want to thank Spike for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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The unfortunate bottom line is that Brentwood can do whatever it likes, but there is no way for us to recover the capital we have invested over the years in various SAU16 programs. “You can check out anytime you want,” but your money will never leave.

Further frustrating this is that dozens of new Brentwooders who have borrowed half a million to live in MacMansions here participate in Town Meeting for the sole purpose of proving that they will do what it takes to Fit In.



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