“I’m NOT going to be IGNORED!”

Who would have believed that 31 years after it debuted, a fully-growed Massachusetts cop who runs an alleged pro-firearms organization based in NH would reprise Glenn Close’s role and give voice once more to her homicidal threat? Those of you who know me know I have repeatedly expressed my personal belief that this “firearms” organization … Read more

I continue to get Stuff – this time, the NHFC candidate survey itself

by Skip

Actually, have had it for a while – and from a number of candidates that were rather peeved at it.  Good thing – unless I was looking in the wrong place (always an option!), I couldn’t find it myself anywhere on the NHFC site.  I thought that rather ironic that a gun group demanding openness and transparency from candidates on their views of the Right to Keep And Bear Arms wouldn’t allow others to see the survey that is getting so much talk (and not in a good way).  I remind you to look at the above image and see Alan Rice’s declaration (he’s the head honcho and responsible for this fiasco) that if you don’t answer this you are automatically anti-gun.  Some little tin-pot tyrant, IMHO, making the demand “PAY ATTENTION TO ME OR ELSE!!!”.

What a putz (I can send you my “Joys of Yiddish” if you want, Alan Rice, to understand what that means.  Yiddish is such a wonderful language for times such as this). I, however, digress.

What follows is the actual survey that was sent out to the candidates. However, other than the inflated ego demand on full display, I did see something that was missing – something very important.

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I continue to get Stuff – I think it is time for a bit of a fisking: Alan Rice of the NH Firearms Coalition

by Skip

“I’ll let you skip the self-reflection bit and make it plain – how could you, as President, allow somebody that rates an “F” that marks him as an anti-gunner, on your Board?”

Ah yes, Alan Rice of the NH Firearms Coalition (“NHFC”) is starting to feel some heat.  Like I said before, if you want to judge candidates for office (either newbies just running for the first time or those that have proven voting / legislative histories) simply because they won’t bother with either your questions or you survey in toto, you deserve a continued beat-down.  What a schmuck!

So, one person complained – and got this in return. I’ll let Alan Rice figure out what a fisking is – I’m not sure he understands the phrase “self-evident” either.  I will clue him in that the items I’m talking about by putting them in bold them; I’m sure that even he might “get it”.

From: “Alan M. Rice, President, NHFC Inc.” <arice=nhfc-ontarget.org@mail182.sea22.mcdlv.net> on behalf of “Alan M. Rice, President, NHFC Inc.” <arice@nhfc-ontarget.org>
Reply-To: “Alan M. Rice, President, NHFC Inc.” <arice@nhfc-ontarget.org>
Date: Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Acting like the DC swamp and they’re not even there yet…

Does he even know how this comes off? 

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Proof That the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Survey is Meaningless; Alan Rice has emptied his mag in going to a gun fight

by Skip

NHFC - response file is an anti-gun responseBack on July 30, I caught wind of how the NH Firearms Coalition had decided that IF you didn’t answer their questionaire or didn’t answer all of their questions, you were automatically ruled to be “anti-gun” or “anti-Second Amendment” (above).  Steve had more here as well.  And yes, I’ve also caught a lot of flack over posting it.  No matter, don’t care.  Well, I do care – about those that were about to be slimed worse than the celebrities that venture onto some Nickelodeon; at least on those shows, its all good, green gooey slime in fun.  With the NHFC, think of the opposite – and I blame, not the good folks that I know that are a part of it but the guy that signed the above – Alan Rice.  IMHO?  Power trip. With this little stunt to self-aggrandize himself, he’s not only diminished himself but the group he thinks serves, not the gun community, but himself. Almost all of we Groksters shoot and certainly all defend the Second Amendment and supporters that work, in way or another, to keep the REAL anti-gunners (that’s you, NH State Rep Katherine Rogers, you convicted assaulter!).

But with the above, Rice shows that he’s the equivalent of a crew served dual Ma Dueces on top of an MRAP controlled from inside (like the Youngest did) – but with a haywire control system that’s shooting at anything in sight.  Just out of control! How else can one countenance the idea that if you failed to respond, in part or in all, you’d get an “F”?  And here in NH, getting that in the Conservative community is like a whipping (and it seemingly makes Rice come off as some medieval enforcer – with a smile on his face.

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I Get Stuff – the NH Firearms Coalition threat: fill out our Survey or you’re ANTI-GUN!

by Skip

NHFC Anti-gun if no responseThis is just plain stupidity, tone deafness, and threatening all at the same time.  The NH Firearms Coalition (“NHFC”) has been sending out their survey (of course, isn’t every political / advocacy group?) to candidates running for office.  I have no problem with this at all and I’ve been advising Conservative / libertarian candidates not only which ones to fill out and which to ignore but also with answers to questions on some of the surveys because the questions are clear for what they are looking for with those answers.  The problem is that sometimes, a possible ally of the group has a more nuanced answer than what is allowed on the on-line surveys that have set answers that clearly don’t reflect someone’s real values – and the candidates I help aren’t going to lie simply to get a recommendation or keep from being slammed for a “wrong” answer.

But the NHFC has really stepped into it with the above image – I took the top of their Letter and combined it with the bottom. It is that “sign off” that is really a kiss off.  I’m ticked over it and *I* have a larger voice with GraniteGrok than they do; they need to be called out over it. Seriously, calling out potential allies as anti-gun simply for not returning a survey?  This is nutcase territory and Alan Rice should be pelted with eggs, rotten tomatoes, and dead fish over this bone-headed threat.

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